What You Can Eat To Influence The Gender of Your Future Baby

Natural gender selection can be achieved through several techniques and factors to help increase the odds of having either a boy or a girl. A woman’s diet is one of these factors that can affect the gender of your future child. While these methods are not 100% guaranteed, most couples find that they do end up with the gender they planned for. The reality is that there is a 50/50 chance, but there are a few things you can do to improve the odds in your favour.

The reason why the foods that you eat can affect the future gender of your child is related to the PH level of your body. The body’s PH can either be alkaline or acidic and these conditions will affect the survival of the two different sperm types. The sperm that carry the chromosomes that decide gender require a different PH level of the body in order to successfully fertilise the egg. Let’s explore the differences in sperm to gain a better understanding of why PH levels are so important.

First, the sperm carrying the Y chromosome is responsible for conceiving a boy. They are small, agile and making them faster but have a shorter life span. They require an alkaline environment to ensure their survival and successful fertilisation. The sperm carrying the X chromosome is responsible for conceiving a girl. As they are much larger, more durable and therefore slower, they have a greater chance of survival in an acidic environment.

In order to balance your PH levels appropriately, you will need to look at choosing the right foods to have an impact on the gender of your child. Now let’s take a look at what foods are important to include in your diet for either sex.

Eating for a Boy
Foods that contain potassium and sodium will help boost your alkalinity. Brand cialis cheap Viagra The recommended foods include bananas, sweet corn, red meats, and even sausages. These foods should be eaten in moderation and form part of a healthy and balanced diet for proper health. Excessive sodium intake is never recommended as it is likely to affect blood pressure and is not good for your overall health.

Eating for a Girl
In order to increase the acidity in your body, eat foods that are rich in magnesium and calcium. A perfect example of a food that contains high levels of both properties, is broccoli. Dairy products, apples, grapefruit, some fish (farm raised to avoid high levels of mercury) and leafy green vegetables will also help boost acidity levels.

The appropriate diet, combined with the other methods of natural gender selection will increase your chances for success. Remember to have everything in moderation as proper nutrition should be kept at the top of mind. If you have any dietary concerns about the foods that you should be eating, ask your doctor.

Author Bio: For more information go to http://www.conceive-a-boy-or-girl.info

Anita Ryder has traded the business suit for the track suit to become a full time mother of her two young children. Her current interests are pregnancy and parenting, fostering loving relationships and living a positive life.

Category: Family/Pregnancy and Family Planning
Keywords: Choose sex of baby,natural gender selection,conceive a boy,conceive a girl,choosing sex of baby,baby

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