Who Put Us In U.S. Studies?

We are more attracted to people others find attractive. In a study done at Indiana University, 40 men and 40 women watched videos of 8 speed-dates. Both the female and male study participants found the opposite sex in the videos more attractive if their dates found them attractive. Unlike the male study participants, the female Kamagra Gold participants’ interest in the video males decreased if their dates weren’t interested in them. However, the male participants’ interest in the video females increased in direct proportion viagra cheap buy to how good looking their male dates were. As these phenomena also occur in fish, humans are just as “superfishal”.

Nevertheless, romantic relationships help stabilize behavior. A study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior examined surveys of 909 people who were followed from first or second grade until 2 years after high school. According to the study, 19 or 20-year-olds who weren’t in a stable relationship were 40% likelier to use marijuana and drink heavily. Although to a lesser degree than cohabitation or marriage, dating activates support and control mechanisms. Bonding and adopting their partner’s behavior patterns has a positive influence on substance use among young adults. It seems stable “relation-ships” promote smoother prescription cialis online sailing.

Stable relationships in the form of interracial marriage are at an all-time high. According to the Pew Research Center, 6.8% of couples married outside their race or ethnicity in the 1980’s. In 2008 it was 14.6%. Marrying outside one’s race or ethnicity was most common among Asians – 30% – and Hispanics – 25%. The percentage for African-Americans was 16%, but it was more common for black men than black women. When it comes to areas of the country, more people is the West married outside their race than in the Midwest or South. Obviously, Americans are becoming more diverse – “more colorful”.

However, marriage can make you sick. In a study done at Ohio State University, 37 married couples were given eight 8-mm blisters on their forearms using a vacuum device. Then each couple was videotaped talking to each other. After 12 days the blisters had healed faster on the couples with more positive conversation styles. The researchers attributed this to the protective hormone oxytocin because the better communicators had higher levels. Couples with more marital stress have higher blood pressure and weaker immune systems. Marital stress is worse than workplace stress because it’s chronic – you’re “married to it”.

Author Bio: Knight Pierce Hirst takes a second look at what makes life interesting and it takes only second at http://knightwatch.typepad.com

Category: Relationships
Keywords: beauty,relationships,substance abuse,interracial marriage,communication

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