Article Marketing is a Strategy to Turn Your Site Into an Authority Site

Authority sites are trusted by both visitors and search engines. Three of the factors that boost a site’s authority are relevant content, quality content, and updated content. A strong article marketing strategy can provide all three.

Relevance of content
A ragtag collection of bits and snippets of information on all sorts of topics won’t turn a website into an authority site no matter how many pages there are. The pages must have relevant content to the overall theme and topic of the site.

Utilizing Article marketing strategy provides the potential of hundreds of related pages of content, all written around appropriate keywords. These pages are not rehashed rewritten content but fresh unique articles.

For example: A site theme is dog food. The articles could be “raw food Kamagra dog diet,” “natural dog diet,” “diet for dogs to lose weight,” “healthy dog food,” “where to buy dog food online,” “dog food for puppies,” and so forth. Each article adds relevant content and focuses on a keyword used to promote that particular page.

Quality content
Content is the website. Quality content demonstrates the webmaster respects the visitor and has pride in the representation of his/her company, products and services. Professional level article marketing strategy can’t be replaced by cheap writers who don’t have a firm grasp on the English language. While nearly everyone can write, it’s a talent to write well.

Do more than just a quick spell check. A computer can’t tell whether you meant to use, their, there, or they’re or if blew or blue is correct or if peaked, peeked, or piqued is right. If you don’t trust your own copyediting skills find someone who can look over your articles.

Don’t use an article spinner to generate web content. An article spinner is a program which takes an article and randomly substitutes synonyms to generate articles that are somewhat different from each other. Even if the spun articles were comprehensible, and they often aren’t, you aren’t giving your visitors anything new, just the same old stuff in a different form.

Updated content
Newly updated sites are ranked higher than old stale sites. Adding relevant content gives visitors a reason to return to the site. Each time new content is added it can be socially bookmarked, added to a blog, and announced on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace. The bookmarking and social networking adds backlinks and provides links for the search engine spiders to follow.

Author Bio: Free report Make Money Writing Dee Power is the author of several nonfiction books, and the novel, “Over Time.” She writes on the subjects of how to write a business plan

Category: Internet Marketing/Article Marketing
Keywords: website authority, article marketing

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