Article Marketing is One Way to Improve Your Website’s Authority

Authority websites are trusted by search engines and visitors as having reliable quality information. An article marketing strategy is a critical component of that plan. A good article marketing strategy puts the reader first and the search engines second. The authority of a site is based on several factors including the size of the site, and the quantity and quality of the backlinks.

Size of Site
The number of pages within a site affects the authority of the site. Think of it this Cialis Professional way. Which would be more valuable: a book with 300 pages of facts, figures, and strong information or a book with only 30 pages, even if those 30 pages were packed with useful information? It’s the same with websites. Bigger is better.

How many of those pages are indexed within the search engines is important as well.

The goal of article marketing strategy is to provide pages of content that is concise, relevant and informative.

Importance: quality and quantity of backlinks
One method of determining the importance of the information on a page and its relevance to a search engine, is to look at how many other sites link to the page and the text that is used for that link. These one way links, called backlinks, are a measure of popularity. The more popular a site is, the higher it will rank in the search engine results based on the text link. The closer the text link is to the keyword phrase for the page the better. Ideally it should be the same.

The quality and relevance of the site doing the backlinking affects the popularity as well. Backlinks from other sites are not always within the control of the webmaster. No penalty is given if the site is in a “bad neighborhood” such as gambling, male enhancement, or adult sites. Or if the backlinking site is not relevant; otherwise competitors would bring down their opponents by inappropriate backlinking.

Article marketing strategy utilizes the keyword phrase in the title of an article several times throughout the article and then backlinks to the page on the webmaster’s site using the keyword phrase as well. The articles are distributed throughout the Internet and hosted in article directories, picked up (with permission of course) by blogs, and other websites.

Each time this happens a backlink is created. One article could generate thousands of backlinks. A popular article distribution service, Content Crooner has a publisher list of 104,336 people and 2,854 sites. Another, Isnare distributes to over 1000 other sites. Software article distribution programs are available as well.

A word of caution against article spinners is warranted. An article spinner is a program which takes an article and randomly substitutes synonyms to generate articles that are somewhat different from each other. The program has no comprehension ability. It can not determine if the article well written or even understandable. The spun articles are often awkwardly worded, and many times make no sense.

Backlinks created over time show the increasing popularity of a site. Articles distributed on a daily basis do exactly that — create backlinks. Each article can backlink to a different page in the webmaster’s site using the appropriate keyword phrase for that page.

Article marketing strategy can boost your site to the top of the search engine rankings.

Author Bio: Free report 27 Ways to Earn Money Online Dee Power is the author of several nonfiction books, and the novel, “Over Time.” She writes on the subjects of how to reduce credit card debt

Category: Internet Marketing/Article Marketing
Keywords: website authority, article marketing

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