Automated List Building – All About Opt-In Emails

When it comes to internet marketing traffic and leads is king. The more you have the better your chances of success. While there are many methods that one will be able to explore when trying to amass traffic, (quality) lead generation can be a bit difficult to accomplish. One of the best approaches to this particular problem would be through automated list building.

Automating your list building efforts not only gives you plenty of time to concentrate on other things but will also be able to help you get quality leads with the right Levitra Professional set-up. If you are somewhat new to the concept, you will soon find that an autoresponder will be one of your best allies in automatically generating lists. In simpler terms, an autoresponder is basically just an email address that has been set up to respond automatically once it receives a message, grabbing the senders email address and storing it to a database in the process.

For example, your subscription design for your service provides clients with an opt-in form that they will need to fill in, in order to use the services or advanced features of your site. Once a visitor fills in the form, the details will go through your autoresponder service thus prompting it to reply with a message that was already set up in advance.

The most important part in all of this is that, once the form has been submitted to the responder, the details of the new subscriber are captured and stored in a database, allowing your list to grow without any further action on your part, thus allowing you to concentrate your efforts in giving your clients quality services.

Autoresponders for opt-in emails also comes in two types. The first would be single opt-in where all it takes for the user data to get into your list would be a onetime email. While this can be good, especially if you’re trying to increase your list in a short amount of time, some might consider it as spamming. The second one would be double opt-in autoresponders.

In this type of program, the autoresponder will send out a confirmation email once it receives the first email and wait until the confirmation email has been verified by the individual on the other end before storing the user data.

So, which type of autoresponder should you be using for your automated list building? Well that depends on what you want to achieve, but it would come highly recommended that you use a double opt-in instead of a singular one.

Sure, it could mean that you might lose a percentage of your potential clients because they might miss having to confirm their subscription but at least it will protect you from being labeled as a spammer, which in any case, should be something that you should be avoiding at all costs.

Author Bio: To find out more, check out: automated list building

Category: Business/Business Opportunities
Keywords: automated list building

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