AZ Auction: Who’s on the Bus?

Building a team of professionals to work for an AZ auction firm requires finding people that share a like mind with the auction company’s vision. So the auction firm must have a vision. The subject of company goals, mission statements and list of values has been written about ad nauseam in past years. And as someone who has sat down with the purpose of writing a mission statement I will personally attest to the overwhelming challenge to put the goal, purpose and vision for my AZ auction company into one paragraph. However to make the task less daunting ask yourself, “what do we do better than our competition?” The answer to the question will provide the list of your company values. Once in place share this list with your team and make sure all of the team is of a like mind with the statements for success.

Whether you are a one-man show with just a few part-time people assisting on auction day or if you are a large corporation, it is critical that each member of your AZ auction team understands and agrees with the vision set forth for the company. This process of mass team understanding Viagra Jelly is called getting people on the bus, Kamagra the bus representing the auction company. The purpose is to be able to point the bus in any direction, switch seats or jobs for any bus rider or team member or even change the bus driver or the leadership of the company. The bus riders will stay on the bus because they agree with the direction the bus is heading.

You may be thinking that the bus scenario sounds like a bunch of psychobabble. And in many ways it is. The bus is about forming one mind for all team members working for an AZ auction company to be of such like mind that they can deal with buyers and sellers in the same way you would personally deal with them. It is about having such a firm foundation that critical decisions can be made by the newest team member of the auction firm without fear of a wrong decision. To make sure you have everyone on the bus is to insure that you are free to grow your auction firm or sell it or just take of some deserved time off. Having everyone in the auction firm of like mind buys freedom.

There is one difficult part of getting your bus on the right road. It is typical to find that people in your AZ auction firm who you consider loyal and a key part of the firm’s success are extremely dedicated to the leadership of the company, but the are not dedicated to the bus of the company. These are team members that keep the auction firm from trying anything new or are locked into ideas of “we always have done it this way”. Although on the surface it is challenging to find anything wrong with these team members’ performance they eventually stop the bus from moving forward.

In an ever-changing economy and marketplace the ability to change the direction of your bus and change it quickly can be your only chance of staying on the road. So chart a course for your bus, get everyone to agree with the map for the AZ auction company’s success and get the wrong people off the bus and the right people on the bus.

Author Bio: Deb Weidenhamer is CEO of Auction Systems, the Southwest’s most active auction and appraisal company. Check out our AZ auction, or call 800-801-8880 for more information.

Category: Culture and Society/Consumer
Keywords: AZ auction

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