Back To School Budgeting For Parents

During the “back Kamagra jelly to school” time, parents can find that they are spending large sums of money on clothing and other supplies for their children. As children reach higher grade levels, their desire to keep in style with their peer group grows, as does the need for certain school supplies. Parents often find themselves under pressure to keep their children in the latest fashions in order to prevent the possibility that their kids will be considered different or not as cool as the other children. In addition, children pressure their parents to allow them to shop at the best stores, which usually mean the stores with the highest prices.

According to the Quarterly Retail Commodity Survey in 2008, parents spent $238.8 million on girl’s clothing, $221.0 million on boy’s clothing, and $114.1 million on unisex clothing. Those numbers are eclipsed by $945.9 million spent on school supplies. The majority of these parents will start their “back to school” shopping in July. Before parents start pulling out the credit cards and start financing new wardrobes, they need to rememberthat they will be spending large amounts of money on clothing that their children will grow out of very quickly.

It is important to find a balance between the investment in your children’s fashions and the longevity that will come from them. Consider purchasing classic pieces that will remain in style for a long time rather than something that is a rapidly passing trend. Unfortunately, it is these fad trends that tend to attract the attention of children. Not only do they see the fashions on their friends, but they are constantly being told what is hip and cool by their idols on television and other media..

There are ways to compromise with your child regarding how much money you spend on their back to school clothes. For example, you can tell them that they are allowed two articles from one of the name brand trendier shops, but the rest of their clothes must be purchased at a less expensive store. These days, top quality and name brand clothing are being sold at large department stores. Children’s favourite actors and singers are often launching clothing lines or make up lines, which are almost always sold in a variety of stores. It is easy to grant your child a fashionable and stylish wardrobe that is also reasonably priced.

Another way to compromise with your child is by having them earn the money to purchase the more expensive articles of clothing themselves. This will help them understand how expensive some of the clothes really are in relation to others. They may even start to grasp the fact that they can purchase much more with the same amount of money at discount stores.

This tactic can also be used in terms of school supplies. While your child may want the more expensive name brand supplies, it is important to teach them that quality can be bought at a significantly lower cost.

Author Bio: Adriana Noton is a freelance writer who writes on a variety of financial topics including personal budgeting and debt counselling. For more information about personal finance and credit help, is a tremendous resource on the topic for Canadians.

Category: Culture and Society/Shopping
Keywords: parenting, education, school, budgeting, budgets, clothing, children, money, personal finance

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