Breast Implants Warranty

Breast implants are sacs filled with either silicon or saline used to enhance and augment a person’s chest. The choice of saline and silicone is up to the individual who wishes to undergo the operation and there are advantages and disadvantages for both kinds. There are also new kinds of fillers used and the substances vary.

The Procedure

The operation itself is quite easy and the recovery period is fast and just slightly uncomfortable. The surgeon makes strategically placed incisions unto the area and slips in the saline or silicone filled sacs. The choice of where the breast implants are placed is either under the muscle or over it. One of the advantages of placing the implant over the muscle is the more natural feel, appearance and movement of the breast.

On the other hand, placing it in this position might affect breast milk production. It can also Cialis Professional be more prone to deflation and rupture since it is in a more vulnerable position. Under the muscle placement, can make the implant not as noticeable unless a larger size is used. This position is usually safer from deflation and rupture.

Recovery from the breast augmentation operation is relatively easy. The patient does need to follow explicit instructions regarding medications that should be taken to diminish swelling and prevent infections. Ice packs are highly recommended to alleviate discomfort and also to help with the swelling.


These days, almost all breast implants carry a warranty that states a length of time. Some of the more popular brands offer a lifetime limited warranty to their users. It is important to know what the limitations are when it comes to rupture and deflation because these are two of the most common things that could happen to an implant.

Older implants may not be covered by the lifetime warranty and if there is a rupture or deflation, the patient might need to actually buy a new set for an operation redo. The term limited warranty means that there are circumstances that the warranty might not be able to cover. Such circumstances include self inflicted wounds that may have punctured the implant or a purposely instigated act to collect the warranty.

In all, the more recent breast implants are way better than those put in several decades ago. Women who may have these older than a decade or two ago should consider having an augmentation redone to get better and safer sacs.

Author Bio: If you are interested in breast implants, Maryland surgeons are available to alleviate all of your concerns by providing you with a consultation. For more information visit

Category: Health
Keywords: breast implants,breast enhancement

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