Building Character

How does one develop character? “Character” is one of those ambiguous words we tailor to mean whatever we need it to at the time. It’s often used by fathers to their children, suggesting that any trials they go through will help them “build character.” And while this may seem like cliched advice, it may be true.

Helen Keller once said, “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.”

This isn’t to say you should seek out disasters or make uninformed decisions – especially when talking about a business – just so you can reap the character-building benefits of a crisis. However, there may be some benefit in having a long-term outlook on how going through the struggles of business (or life in general) will prove valuable overall.

The other part of building character is to focus on those principles that are attributes of a quality organization – customer service, quality products and services, Kamagra Soft continual progress, a meaningful and effective mission/value statement.

Notice how “more profits” or “greater margins” weren’t included in that list. Money is a consequence of a successful business, not a goal. Could your business still be successful if it was a non-profit organization? If the answer is no, then you may have to take a look at what you’re doing.

Sure, it’s possible to make money; people do it every day. There are scams and Ponzi schemes which sometimes make millions of dollars, but few people would call those successful businesses. Even companies with actual, legitimate products can make impressive products; but if they go out of business a few years later, would they be considered successful businesses?

This doesn’t mean you can’t make money, or that you can’t have financially-motivated goals; character and success are connected. If you have an ethical business but aren’t able to even make enough money to keep the company afloat, few people would consider that successful either.

So focus on both. Do what you need to do to grow your business financially, without dismissing those qualities that will make your business one of character. And don’t disregard the need to make money with your business – at least to cover your costs. Because even your business is oozing with character, if you go out of business, you won’t be doing anyone any good.

Develop character through positive goals and actions, and you will achieve success

Author Bio: Jacque Crook works with Professional Marketing International to help people achieve their dreams and success.

Category: Personal Development/Advice
Keywords: character, build character, success

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