Canada; The Country Where The Grass Is Greener

Ask people who are considering applying for a Canadian work visa and moving away from the UK what their reason behind it is and chances are a substantial percentage will say that they are looking for a better quality of life, including better employment prospects.

It’s also highly likely that a considerable amount of people will say that they are simply going because they are tired of the UK – the crime rates in certain areas and high cost of living are too great.

For others, however, particularly those who have been asked within the last few weeks, their reason is simple – they have no other choice.

The global recession which first hit the UK several years back rocked the country’s economy. Interest rates went down, unemployment statistics went up and almost every one living in the United Kingdom personally felt the repercussions of the so called ‘credit crunch’ in one way or another.

Although the country has been out of the recession for over 6 months now, the after effects are arguably as damaging as the recession itself.

The UK’s economy has grown increasingly poor over the past few years and the Emergency Budget from George Osborne, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, on 22 June 2010, introduced some particularly harsh and tough measures – although each and everyone of them is aimed to make the UK the country that it was before the recession hit.

Whilst this may be the case, it doesn’t make living in the country easier and although light of the tunnel is expected to be seen by the end of the year, things – especially unemployment – is anticipated to get worse before it gets better.

Although some people are planning on riding the difficult times out, there are several tens of thousands who are looking at the possibility of a Canadian work visa, even if their move is only a temporary one.

More often than not, though, their problem is that they are concerned they are seeing a new life in Canada through rose-tinted glasses. For instance, the country may have miles and miles of open spaces of natural beauty, but so does the UK, just not in as great of a capacity.

Similarly, the amount of guns owned in Canada is (as of the 2007 figures) 31.5 per 100 people and although gun ownership is substantially less than in the USA – which has a figure of 90 guns per 100 people – the figure is considerable compared to the UK, which only has a mere 5.6 registered guns per 100 people.

There is no Viagra Jelly doubting that Canada has its problems and reasons not to see it as an immigration destination, just like any other developed country. In the major cities, for example, crime is higher than in the more urban areas and although not something which can be avoided, the country’s climate can take a long time to adjust to.

The difference is, however, that the negative points are far outweighed by the positives and therefore if you are considering a move out of the UK, the grass may seem greener cialis price in Canada – but that’s actually because it is.

Author Bio: Global Visas are a world leading authority on Canada immigration and Canada visas for private individuals and corporate clients, providing the most comprehensive and up-to-date Canada work visa and visa for Canada advice. Visit for more information.

Category: Recreation and Leisure/Travel/Destinations
Keywords: canadian work visa, canadian visa, work visa for canada, canada visa, visa for canada, work visa, visa

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