Compression Sleeves Help Athletes Perform Better

Over the last few years compression sleeves have gained notoriety in the sports world. Professional athletes in almost every sport have been seen sporting these tight, stretchy sleeves on their arms. Recently, some professional runners have also begun wearing compression socks that cover the entire lower leg, up to the knee joint. Many younger athletes like to wear these sleeves to “look cool,” but there are several important health benefits to be gained by using these compressive articles of clothing.

Athletic trainers and other healthcare professionals have long been using compression as a means of reducing swelling after an injury is sustained. This method works by increasing the flow of blood into the area, as well as facilitating the movement of fluid out of the area. Vigorous exercise causes tiny injuries, or microtraumas, to the muscles being used, which the body has to repair and recover from between workouts. Muscle soreness and inflammation can arise from these microtraumas. By wearing compression socks and sleeves after a workout, studies have found that athletes experience less post-exercise soreness and are able to recover more Brand Levitra quickly after strenuous exercise. This quicker recovery time can enable athletes to work harder more often without their bodies breaking down.

Many athletes must travel by plane to get to their competitions or events. The change in pressure coupled with remaining in a seated, still position for hours at a time can cause swollen legs over the course of the flight. Wearing support socks while en route battles this hindrance and enables athletes to keep their legs feeling fresh and ready for activity even after an overseas flight.

Compression clothing is useful after activity to promote muscle recovery and before activity during travel, but perhaps its most beneficial use is during an athletic event. The increase in blood flow to the compressed muscle also brings with it an increase in oxygen, as oxygen is carried in red blood cells. Almost all competitive sports require a large amount of oxygen to be delivered to the muscle for optimal performance. Compression enables greater blood flow to the muscle at a lower heart rate and the flow of oxygen into the area increases without an increased stress on the heart.

The highly competitive athlete must use all resources at his or her disposal to gain the “edge” that is required for success. Compression socks and sleeves should be an integral part of every athlete’s workout regimen as a means for quicker recovery post-workout and increased performance during the workout itself.

Author Bio: If you would like to learn more about compression sleeves then please visit where you can find additional information.

Category: Health
Keywords: compression sleeves

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