Coping With Anxiety Disorders- Harnessing The Power Of The Mind Part II

In this article, I would like to mention distorted ways of thinking that you must keep away from if you are to succeed in overcoming anxiety disorders.

All or none thinking
A person who manifests an all or none type of thinking is always unhappy about himself and his efforts. Small and insignificant errors are enough to unsettle him and make him anxious. In his mind, he views things as either complete or incomplete- there is no middle road whereby things are nearly complete or partially complete. For example, he might have done a fantastic job but because he made a small error or omission, he will disqualify the whole job as a total failure.

Disqualifying the positive
Some people with anxiety disorders criticize themselves more often than they compliment themselves. They also find it hard to take compliments or positive feedback from others. If they are thanked for anything, they tend to water down, disqualify or write off such compliments; Brand Cialis for example, by saying to themselves, ‘They are thanking me just to make me happy,’ or by saying, ‘They are thanking me because they don’t know much about what I do’. People who tend to disqualify anything positive about themselves become self-condescending and may lack self-confidence.

Many people with anxiety disorders, tend to magnify their own inadequacies or the gravity of bad experiences or situations. They experience excessive anxiety about the little mishaps, glitches and impediments they encounter in life. For example, consider an employee with anxiety disorders who is good at what he does. In spite of the fact that he is an excellent employee, an occasional error might be enough to make him start worrying about job security. He may begin to imagine himself being fire, losing his only source of income, his house being reposessed and his wife dumping him.

Emotional reasoning
This is warped way of thinking whereby the person thinks that his emotional state reflects reality. For example, if he is sad, he may conclude that the world is a sad place. Of is he is feeling miserable, he may conclude that he is worthless. This type of thinking promotes negative self-concept and undermines self-esteem.

In order to progress in resolving your anxiety disorders, you must be willing to examine the way you think and be determined to fight any unhelpful thoughts. There is a lot more information about anxiety disorders and anxiety disorder therapies on my website (See below for website address).

Author Bio: Tims Sentinel is a keen researcher in mental health issues who has been focusing on studying and implementing evidence based healthcare practices for the past 4 years.
For more information on anxiety disorders and anxiety disorder therapies, click the following website address:

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: panic and anxiety disorders, overcoming anxiety disorders, anxiety disorders

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