Couch Potato No More: Easing Into Exercise

Once the pain of being soft and squidgy has become greater than the pain of getting active, it’s time to find a beginning exercise program that won’t immediately discourage you from ever putting on your walking shoes again.

If you have been inactive for a very long time and are older than 50, the first step is to have a physical completed by your physician in order to establish that you are ready for some working out. Unless you have a medical condition that prevents you from too much movement, your doctor will probably be happy to encourage you in taking steps to better health and fitness and may have recommendations as to types and duration of exercises, as well as dietary changes you may need.

Now that you’re ready, it’s time to get the right equipment. The right equipment might be nothing more than a good pair of shoes and an open road. Do some research and ask a shoe specialist to help you find the perfect pair for your feet. He or she will ask you to walk, watching your gait and the way your feet roll on the ground. Based on this information, the specialist can show you several brands and styles that support your feet in exactly the way they need support. Good shoes are a must if you plan on walking or running, whether on the road or on a treadmill. Brand Cialis You can prevent damage to your feet and injury to your knees with the right pair of shoes.

Joining a gym and hiring a personal trainer are fine ideas, if you have the discipline to take full advantage of a gym membership. Otherwise, browse through the hundreds of exercise DVDs available on the market, and choose one that seems to match your skill and activity level. For beginners who tire easily, 30 minutes of gentle walking could mean the difference between couch potato and fit.

Whatever you do, make sure you follow these two tips:
1. Don’t push yourself to the point of injury. Impatience might suggest that if a little exercise is good, a lot is better; but when you’re just starting out, don’t think that you have to be in great pain to be helping your body. Give yourself time to build muscle and stamina, increasing your levels of activity as you become stronger.
2. 30 minutes a day will do it. There’s no need to spend hours and hours at the gym. In fact, if you combine extreme exercise with a sudden and severe restriction in calorie intake, not only are you much more likely to quit because you’re tired and hungry, but you might be in danger of losing weight too fast, putting it right back on again – and more – when you inevitably give up. Yo-yo dieting is dangerous to your health. Start with 30 minutes a day and start incorporating more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes into your diet, including fish high in Omega 3 fatty acids.

By taking things slowly, you will ease into better health and develop habits that are likely to stick with you for life. It probably took you a while to get soft and squidgy, so it will take you a while to get firm and fit. Be patient and kind to yourself.

Author Bio: specializes in helping elders take advantage of benefits available for those in senior nursing facilities, those who need long-term care, and much more. Specialists in elder law medical benefits are available for consultation.

Category: Health
Keywords: elder law medical

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