Curing Chronic Constipation

Curing Constipation may be challenging for some, but it can be done naturally. Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. With constipation, stools are usually hard and dry and small in size. Constipation Symptoms are uncomfortable and can leave you feeling very unwell.

Constipation symptoms can be when the bowel movement can be difficult to eliminate. You can often experience straining, bloating, and the sensation of a full bowel if you are constipated. Some people think they are constipated if they do not have a bowel movement every day but everyone’s body is different. Normal stool elimination may be three times a day or three times a week. Again, every body is different.

Constipation is a symptom, not a disease and curing constipation does not have to be hard. Almost everyone experiences constipation at some point cialis cheap in their life, and a poor diet is usually the cause.Constipation can also be aggravated by travel, pregnancy or sudden changes in diet, or simply ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement on a regular basis.

For some people, constipation symptoms can be triggered by certain medications. Curing constipation can be a huge problem for many people. For many people endeavoring to cure their constipation, laxatives are a regular part of the treatment.Laxatives should only be used when everything else has been tried and as a last resort.Herbal laxatives are readily available and Weight loss Secrets always suggests to look at natural products available.

When you are have constipation symptoms,you want relief as quickly as possible as it can make you feel lethargic and unwell.If a poor diet- one lacking in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains, is a major cause of the problem, better food choices and plenty of fluids are going to be a major part of the solution.
Here are some of the main causes of constipation
* not enough fiber in the diet
* lack of physical activity
* Medications
* Not drinking enough water daily
* milk
* irritable bowel syndrome
* abuse of laxatives
* ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
* dehydration
* changes in life or routine such as pregnancy,aging,and travel

How do we fix the problem and cure constipation symptoms?Nowadays everyone takes a pill and you get some relief from your problem but it is just a band aid. Weight Loss secret’s strongly advise that you persevere and try and repair your problems through diet and exercise if you are suffering from constipation, you really need to look at your diet and attempt to cure your constipation naturally.

This is where your food diary will come in handy. It will help if you can increase your fruit and vegetables on a regular basis, along with increased fluids, and two litres of water a day will help cure your constipation.

A fibre supplement such as psyllium is useful as it provides not only relief to constipation, but also many other benefits such as helping to lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of developing colon polyps and cancer. Psyllium is available from the supermarket and you just need a little sprinkle each morning (half a teaspoon) in cereal.

Eat fruits such as prunes, grapes, pears, oranges. Avoid excessive coffee and alcohol although a strong cup of black coffee will often trigger a bowel movement.The caffeine in coffee has a bowel loosening effect. Massage the stomach in a clockwise direction as stomach massage is an excellent way to cure your constipation.

Our top tips here for curing constipation symptoms are:
Two litres of water a day,More fibre at breakfast, lunch and dinner (fruit and vegetables and salads) Good sources of fiber are most of the fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. Excellent sources of fiber are broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, all eaten raw or thawed. Spinach, beans, whole-grain cereal all cooked are excellent sources. Fruits such as apples, peaches, tangerines, and raspberries will help increase the fiber content (apples also lower your blood sugar, so this is an added bonus)

Massage the stomach in a clockwise direction each morning
Half a teaspoon of Psyllium husk in the morning
Never ignore a bowel movement
Never force a bowel movement
The humble prune is one of the oldest home remedies in curing constipation
Flaxseeds are high in fibre. A tablespoon a day will help cure your constipation
Magnesium is found in most green vegetables and it helps to cure your constipation eg: legumes, peas, beans are great sources of magnesium

Let us remind you, that good health takes work and effort.But it is worth it. Try curing your constipation symptoms naturally and commit yourself to living a healthy life through good nutrition and daily exercise.

Author Bio: Joanne McMahon is a writer and a health, wellness and lifestyle consultant in Australia currently working with many people to change their lives through healthy eating

Category: Fitness/Weight Loss
Keywords: constipation,curing constipation,fiber,fibre,diet, weight loss

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