Dance Your Way to Good Health

Dancing is an enjoyable social activity, but it can also be a great form of exercise, with numerous health benefits. The benefits of dancing include both the physical as well as the emotional level as it is an excellent method to de-stress.

You could actually substitute low-impact exercises like walking, aerobics, and cycling with dancing, as it exercises the body, thereby increasing blood circulation and improving stamina. Including dance in your exercise routine will help to normalize the levels of various chemicals in the brain and it also aids nerve cell growth.

Following various dance patterns improves memory and retention and you can keep changing your dance style if you wish to. Each dance style exercises a different set of muscles and so including several styles will help to exercise more sets of muscles. It would, therefore, be best to follow a different dance style for each daily exercise session as it will allow you to improve overall flexibility. This strengthens and tones your muscles, without putting any strain on the joints.

There are some dances that benefit a particular part of the body; belly dancing prevents lower back problems, the salsa can reduce the levels of blood pressure as well as cholesterol and ballroom dancing can help the heart healthy.

Dancing is also a great way to lose weight and have fun at the same time. The calories burned while dancing may vary from person to person, as it depends on the type of dance and the weight of the dancer. A dancer who weighs approximately 125 pounds can lose around 180 calories per hour through a slow dance like the waltz or the foxtrot.

Dances like disco, salsa, mambo, square, ballroom, or Latin dances could help the dancer burn over 325 calories per hour. However, a fast form of dancing like the twist or the ballet could help the dancer burn about 360 calories per hour. Other benefits of dancing include:

* Keeping fit and staying young: Dancing can help you look young for a longer time, as it retards the aging process.
* Higher flexibility: Unlike other forms of working out, dancing softly lengthens and fortifies the muscles, improving your flexibility, stamina and strength.
* Staying entertained: Dancing is one of the most entertaining activities known, and it can become a family activity to keep the entire family fit.
* Improving balance: Dancing will improve your balance and help you to follow tougher dance patterns and styles. Tadalis SX This can further improve your reflexes and reduce the risks of injuries.
* Being socially satisfied: Dancing is a great way to socialize and meet new people.
* Increased confidence and happiness: Studies indicate that dancing releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress and depression, keeping a person happy. It can also help you establish self-discipline. Since it is one of the most common social activities, it can also improve your confidence.

Earlier, dancing was regarding as a form of entertainment, mainly by young girls and women. However, in the recent years, both men and women have understood the various benefits and importance of dance.

Author Bio: Kevin Pederson, authors web content for a complete online resource featuring diet, health and fitness. This article is focused on helping you plan for new year resolutions for healthy diet plans

Category: Health/Wellness
Keywords: benefits of dancing,calories burned dancing,importance of dance

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