Discovering Oral Hygiene Misconceptions

When it comes to your health, and taking care of your body, there may not be many things more important than your oral hygiene. Taking care of your mouth will help your body to stay healthy, too.

However, there are many misconceptions when it comes to oral hygiene, and what we should and shouldn’t do. This article will explain some of the misconceptions, and the truths that dentists and oral surgeons really want us to know.

By dispelling these myths, we can protect our teeth, and save a lifetime of smiles. Dental education should be in the forefront of our minds, and in the education of our children.

According to the United States Surgeon General’s Oral Health in America Report, more than fifty percent of five to nine year-old children have at least one cavity or filling, and that proportion increases to seventy eight percent among seventeen year olds.

Additionally, more than seventy five percent of adults over the age of thirty five have a form of periodontal disease, serious bacterial gum infections that destroy the attachment fibers and supporting bone that hold your teeth in your mouth. There’s no messing around when it comes to taking care of your mouth.

Dental cavities and periodontal disease are the number one reason for tooth loss. Knowing how to identify potential problems and incorporating a daily hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing could prevent your chances of tooth decay, tooth loss and other illnesses that may be linked to infections of the mouth.

Here are some Viagra Jelly of the most common misconceptions about oral health. The first is that the primary reason for brushing is to remove food debris.

Daily brushing and flossing will also keep the formation of plaque to a minimum. If not removed every twenty six hours, plaque will irritate the gums, which can lead to periodontal disease.
The second is that bleeding gums are normal. Bleeding gums are one of the eight signs of gum disease, and is a very serious symptom that should not be ignored.

Think of gum tissue as the skin on your hand. If your hands bled every time you washed them, you would know something is wrong.

The next lie is that oral health doesn’t affect overall health. When the gums are infected, periodontal bacterial byproducts can enter the blood stream and travel to major organs and set off other problems.

Research suggests that this may contribute to the development of heart disease, the nation’s leading cause of death; increase the risk of stroke; increase a woman’s risk of having a preterm, and cause low birth weight baby. It can also pose a serious threat to people whose health is compromised by diabetes, respiratory diseases or osteoporosis.

The next myth is that bad breath is caused by a lack of oral hygiene. Excellent oral hygiene doesn’t necessarily relieve bad breath.

There are certain kinds of bacteria in the mouth that produce volatile sulfur compounds. If these sulfur compounds build up enough, the result can be clinical bad breath, reports the American Dental Association.

In addition to brushing and flossing, brushing the tongue (where the sulfur resides) can help eliminate bad breath. Make a habit of brushing your tongue thoroughly after every time you brush your teeth, and your breath may improve dramatically.

Next, contrary to popular belief, cavities are not the number one cause of tooth loss. Together periodontal disease and cavities are the primary cause of tooth loss.

Pregnant women should never skip professional dental checkups, though they may have heard that they should. Periodontal health can affect unborn babies’ health.

Studies have shown an infection during pregnancy, including periodontal disease, is cause for concern and may increase the risk of delivering a premature, low-birth weight baby. The best way to avoid this problem is to visit a periodontist for a full periodontal evaluation.

The last myth is that stress does not cause problems in the mouth. High levels of financial stress and poor coping abilities increase the likelihood of developing periodontal disease.

Researchers found people who dealt with financial strain in an active and practical way (problem-focused) rather than with avoidance techniques (emotion-focused) had no more risk of severe periodontal disease than those without money problems. Stress can cause more problems than we can even imagine.

As you can see, these myths are very important to expel for your oral health, and your overall health. If you make the necessary changes you need to today, you may be able to spare yourself surgery and pain in the future!

Author Bio: Ignacio Lopez has been working as an Oral Surgeon since 1985. He has written several articles about oral health throughout his life. He recommends Dental Implants Utah for all your oral needs.

Ignacio Lopez

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: Dental implants Utah

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