Energy Saving Tips: How To Save Electricity 101

With the economic crisis affecting the whole world, it is a good move to learn how to save electricity. We all know that electricity is way more expensive than water, and, actually makes up a big percentage of our utility bills. It is therefore advisable to save on power in order to reduce energy bills and help save us some cash.

Here are a few energy saving tips that each and every household member can utilize in order to get lower power bills:

Advice #1: Make use of ceiling fans more often.

During hot months, many people think that the only way to become cool is to turn on the air conditioner the whole day. The truth, however, is that there is an alternative to using air-conditioners, which is one of the answers to the issue of how to save electricity: ceiling fans. Yes, a ceiling fan can be a tool to keep not only a single room cool, but other parts of the house cool as its air circulates widely within your residence. If you want to reduce energy bills, try using your ceiling fan more than you use air-conditioning units.

Advice #2: Insulate your attic.

One of the energy saving tips that is a must-try is for you to insulate your attic, if you have one. Insulating your attic actually makes your home cooler during Summery months, and warmer when Winter sets in. Thus, you can adjust your air-conditioner and heater settings appropriately in a way that will make you save on power.

Advice #3: See to it that your appliances are energy efficient.

Another advice on how to save electricity is this: utilize appliances that are energy-efficient. How do you know if an appliance or a device consumes less power? Aside from looking at the wattage, it is also advisable that you look for an Energy Star logo as appliances that have the said logo are truly energy-efficient.

Other energy saving tips you should utilize are the following: using CFLs instead of incandescent bulbs; letting washed clothes dry under the sun more Kamagra often instead of utilizing a clothes dryer; plugging prescription cialis generic off appliances that are not in use, and so on. By applying the above mentioned tips on how to save electricity and how to save on power, you can really reduce energy bills, thus, putting more money in your ‘piggy bank’. Remember that by conserving power, you are also showing how you care for Mother Nature.

Author Bio: Karen Winton is always happy to share electricity saving advice. To conserve electricity through building your own generator, use: Energy 2 Green. To benefit from renewable energy sources, utilize: Off Grid Living.

Category: Science
Keywords: energy saving tips, how to save electricity, reduce energy bills, save on power

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