Great Ideas To Increase Blog Web Traffic

You can add more fresh content to your website when you blog. The only thing that search engines are looking for in all the websites is keyword and content and the search bots are not at all impressed by the beauty of any website. But before you actually start bogging there are a few things you must do to make sure your website will attract mort traffic.

You can use social book marking sites like Onlywire or SocialBookmarker, to post your articles and bogs on. These sites are simple to use and you just have to register on them in order to instantaneously start using their services. If you continue to post in these sites you can definitely increase the number of backlinks to your sites. You can also see more traffic since theses sites can generate a huge volume of traffic and have very good PR rankings.

When you use video along with text you will be creating better chances for your website to increase its page ranking. This is apparent when you do a search on say, weight loss.Google will return a few websites with videos on body building Kamagra Soft and dieting in the first few results itself. Choose your keywords well and research your titles before you make the video. You need not use Youtube; there are many other sites like Metacafe, and Goode video that have high traffic.

It is good practice to search your keywords before you start to post on your blog. You must be specific; name your article “10 Tips To Play Golf Better” instead of giving it a vague title like “Golfing For Everyone”. By all means look for keywords tat can attract high traffic. If you pick up words that have been searched for an average for 10000 – 50000 times per month, that would be excellent for your website.However, if you aim for anything higher, your website may not find itself among the first pages of a search. This rule is applicable to every niche and not just for golfing.

When you have finished choosing your keywords, it is time to try them out in the body of your article. You must vary your the keywords and try to use them all over the article without using them too often. Search engine will pay a lot of attention to your titles and fist paragraph but a little less emphasis on the middle and end portions of your article.

You might be holding over a hundred articles on your blog and still be affected by “writer’s block”, which means that you are unsure of what content to publish on your blog or website. This is the time to look for fresh ideas from elsewhere, either through re-written articles or PLR articles that you can rewrite yourself. When you rewrite articles, you also can submit them to various to article directories. A word of caution, though; most articles directories expect a high level of quality and your articles must not read like have been written by somebody else.

Author Bio: High traffic volume is key to making profit from your website, the Author shares the Auto site. He is using all this techniques you read in the article for his Adapter project.

Category: Internet/Blogging
Keywords: news, posts, content, blog, blogging, website,

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