Higher Metabolism Equals Faster Weight Loss

What is the most popular goal set by individuals on January 1st every year? It is probably safe to say that the answer is weight loss.

But what is the best way to do it? How do you get the most out of your efforts to keep yourself looking the way you want?

There are many variables that affect a person’s weight loss; Diet, cardio exercise, weight lifting, and healthy living habits just to name a few. All of these things lead to an increased metabolism which helps to burn calories and lose weight.

Weight loss simply put is burning more calories than the body can store. Metabolism is the level at which a person will make and then consume calories.

Therefore, the higher a person’s metabolism, the more weight they will lose. So how do you achieve this?

A lean body will have a higher rate at which it burns calories. So the first way to maintain a higher metabolism is through cardio exercise and weight training.

Because muscle burns more calories than fat, the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn all day long. Weight lifting is a key ingredient to healthy and efficient weight loss.

Gaining muscle is not a simple-overnight activity, it takes time. It takes around six months of progressive lifting for women to gain about two pounds of muscle, and men may gain a little more.

There is a rumor in the body-building world that pounds don’t matter because the key to losing weight is to change your body composition from more fat to more muscle. This miraculous solution is a bit farfetched, but weight lifting is a solid contributor to the weight losing equitation.

Weight lifting combined with consistent cardio work outs is a large contributor to increasing losing weight, but there are other contributors too. There are many little things that you can do along with your exercising to increase your metabolism and overall weight loss.

Eating breakfast everyday helps to prevent your body from slowing its calorie burning during the early hours of the day. By eating breakfast every day you maintain your metabolism at a higher rate.

Also, many people dieting believe that by eating less they will lose weight. Although this may be true at first, in reality it only causes the body to slow its calorie burning due to the lower calorie input.

Instead of a diet of significantly less calories than normal, it is more efficient to lower you calorie input slightly and eat more frequently. This means to eat 5-6 small meals per day rather than 3 large ones.

By eating frequent small meals each day you keep your metabolism firing. This eliminates times when your body might be tempted to slow the rate of calories it is burning.

Alcohol has a terrible effect on your body’s ability to burn calories, it acts against it and will slow it down, which is exactly what you are trying to prevent. Avoid consuming alcohol too regularly.

Sleeping more can also contribute to your weight loss goals. Getting enough sleep is another small thing that can be done to contribute to you calorie burning increase.

Drinking water is extremely important to the efficiency of your weight loss. Water cleans toxins out of the body and keeps the kidneys working as efficiently as possible.

The liver is very important to metabolizing fat stores in the body. By drinking lots of water and flushing out the toxins you allow the liver to work more efficiently at its job.

Eating more protein and less fat will also help to increase your body’s metabolism. Protein requires much greater effort by body to use than does fat, and therefore requires the body to burn more calories when using it.

Sugar is a terrible enemy to weight loss because it is a simple carbohydrate that is very easily broken down. Complex carbohydrates like protein, as discussed above, are much better for weight loss.

Remember to be consistent in your efforts to increase your metabolism and shed those extra pounds. Your metabolism will remain consistent where you want it to only if you are being consistent Silagra in your efforts to maintain it.

Author Bio: Terry Daniels has been an athletic trainer for the last 14 years. With a degree in nutritional behavior and his experience in athletic training, his knowledge will educate you about the most effective weight loss techniques. He recommends treadmills for increasing your metabolism.

Category: Fitness/Weight Loss
Keywords: Metabolism

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