Holding on to Healthy Teeth

When people think about overall health Cialis status, they generally don’t take into account their dental health.

When people suffer economic hardship, the first thing to be put off is generally dental work. Dental professionals, however, caution us that it is important not to neglect regular oral checkups and treatment.

Oral checkups are important in early detection of such conditions as oral cancer, which is often caused by tobacco use.

It is possible, though, to suffer from oral cancer even if you are not a smoker. The illness is most often realized after the age of 40.

Statistics show that, out of every patient diagnosed with oral cancer, only half of them will live longer than 5 years.

A good diet, rich in fruits and vegetables can help avoid the development of cancerous lesions. If detected early enough, precancerous changes can be reversed with proper treatment and there are new treatments available for all cancers.

There is new technology available to enhance visualization of cancerous or pre-cancerous cells that help the doctor identify oral lesions at their earliest stage of development.

You may also contract a disease called Periodontal, which harms the connective tissues around your teeth.

There are two major stages of periodontal disease. The first stage, gingivitis, is a mild form and can be completely reversed.

Periodontitis is more severe, and carries a less optimistic prognosis. Smoking, broken fillings and some medications can all make this illness worse.

The symptoms of periodontal disease are: bleeding games, increased space between the teeth, and a bad smell in one’s breath.

Only good oral care such as daily brushing, flossing and use of mouthwash can prevent this disease, as well as regular dentist visits.

Cavities are not simply holes in you teeth, these are infections. Without proper care along with the consumption of a lot of sugar, you will probably end up with them sooner or later.

Dental amalgam, which has been used for centuries as a cavity filler, is made of a combination of metallic elements including tin, copper, mercury and silver.

Because of its mercury content, safety concerns have been raised over the years. However, organizations including the National Institutes of Health, the US Public Health Service, and the World Health Organization.

Most consider the fact that amalgam is a strong and durable metal and the fact that it is easily obtainable that it is the best option. But there are others out there as well.

Many people go the extra mile and get white composite fillings. This is an aesthetic option for your fillings to make sure the teeth look normal.

In order to ensure that your bone and soft gum tissue remains healthy, it is crucial that you visit your dental professional for routine cleanings and exams.

The 48 year old accountant who neglected his dental health for 10 years, learned a hard lesson when he had to undergo numerous corrective procedures including a crown, deep cleaning, and root canal. If you have periodontal disease, the infection is deep.

When you brush you can’t reach these areas. Procedures called root planing and scaling can be used to removed bacteria, infected tissue and smoothes the root surface which helps prevent further problems.

You can really save yourself a lot of money by doing regular dentist check ups.

Everyone suffers from halitosis (bad breath) at some time in their life. That’s because there are many causes of bad breath and some are quite common.

Bad breath can be caused by eating many different foods like onions, garlic, and fish. The other causes of bad breath beside food include such things as poor oral hygiene, the use of tobacco and a simple case of dry mouth.

Conditions such as postnasal drip or even liver or kidney disease can also cause halitosis. Try to stay away from the foods that cause bad breath and you will keep these bacteria from becoming trapped in your mouth, causing the bad breath to last longer.

Remember to brush your tongue as well as your teeth! Mouthwash will help as well. Advanced technologies have brought us a long way from the chewing-sticks used by the Babylonians as early as 3500 BC.

Despite all this, your best defense against oral disease is still the basic toothbrush, as long as it sees daily use.

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Category: Health
Keywords: dentistry, dentist, doctors, teeth, tooth, dental implants, orthodontics, braces, teeth whitening

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