Home Remedies For Acne

If you have previously been a teenager (which I’m) guessing you have) or if you will be soon then chances are that you are very familiar with acne; while acne may not be as bad for some as it is for others but we have all at one time or another experienced some form of acne.

Acne is an all too well known human skin disease which manifests itself as pimples or dark spots; acne is mainly common in places that are highly populated by sebaceous follicles – or areas with a tendency towards oiliness that comprise numerous hair follicles such as the face, the back and the upper chest. Acne is most common among adolescents because of the fluctuations and increase in hormones that both genders experience throughout the younger years; for many the difficulty goes away when they get to ones early twenties but there are individuals that live with acne much longer, perhaps even for their entire lives.

Causes of acne include germs, hormones as Brand Viagra said before, genetics and several others. In the case of germs, the offender is a bacterium that typically lives on the skin and is known as Propionibacterium acnes. The substance that this bacterium produces produces redness and inflammation to the skin.

The hormones primarily frequently connected with acne are androgens; androgens are a male hormone that boosts in both sexes during youth but are more in men. These androgens expand the oil manufacturing glands in the skin, whilst at the same instance causing the glands to boost oil manufacturing. The surplus oil blocks the glands while serving as food to the Propionibacterium acnes.

It has been established that acne might be an inherited although the specific inborn thing that causes it has not yet been found. Genetic acne frequently occurs at an younger age than other types of acne and mostly ends in more permanent lesions as well.

There are many topical and oral over-the-counter cures and prescription treatments for acne as well as laser surgery, surgical procedures to drain large pimples or boils, and more recent light treatments if your dermatologist deems it is required.

But cialis cheap there are several home remedies for acne that may be extremely effective and prevent you from needing to use medication; these home remedies include Aloe Vera; it is filled with a gel-like substance that you may apply straight to your face or if you do not have access to the plant, you can sometimes buy the gel or the juice from a whole foods store and rub that on the affected location or you may attempt one of the Aloe Vera soaps that are also available.

Vitamin b5, zinc, tea tree oil, papayas, orange peel, and many others have all been tried and proven as home remedies for acne, but bear in mind that a remedy that works for one person may not work for others. The best course of action is to go online and see if you are able to find a cure that works for you.

Author Bio: Please visit this link for more information on Acne Home Remedies and this link for Fish Oil Supplements

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: acne home remedies, skin care

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