How to Know If You Have a Household Mold Problem

Mold is everywhere and can be both good and bad. Mold in the cheese world can be a good thing. It gives color and taste to an otherwise bland food to make the cheese what it is. When it comes to mold in your home however, most people do not want mold to be in their house. But how do you know if you have a mold problem? And even if you do have a mold issue, what should you do about it?

Mold is a tricky little critter. It is a spore that multiplies easily when given moisture and organic food material, or anything that comes from natural ingredients. Mold spores are made to multiply so it’s no surprise that when you have one mold spore, it quickly multiplies into a colony.

So why is mold a household issue? We know that warm air rises and this holds true in a home too. Houses naturally create a vacuum called the stack effect, which draws air in from the crawl space or basement, rises (because it’s warm) and then exits through the attic. This means that the air from your crawl space or basement is entering your living space and that’s what you breathe. It sounds like an alarmist statement, but it’s just a fact of life. So why would anyone want to be breathing in mold and other microorganisms if they didn’t have to? The answer is, they wouldn’t.

How do I know if my home has mold?

Mold can be a mysterious thing – sometimes you can see it and sometimes you can’t, on account of its size and the magnitude of each mold problem. If you can see it in your crawl space or basement, you may see it as a white or black powder that often grows in circles or rings. The best way to tell if your house has a mold problem (and the size of the mold problem), is to get a mold remediation expert to draw samples from the home and read the mold levels. Otherwise you and your family may be living with a mold problem and not even know it if the home is not tested for mold.

A responsible mold remediation expert will take samples from both outside and inside your home. This tells the mold professionals whether or not you live in a high mold area and if your home is severely affected by mold or not.

So what’s the solution to my mold problem?

There are a few solutions to removing a house mold problem. These solutions are best when used concurrently as opposed to employing only one of these methods. The first step that needs to be taken is all moisture sources need to be removed from the home. That includes plumbing leaks, freestanding crawlspace and basement water, and lowering humidity levels.

Since mold only grows in humidity levels of about 60% or more, the Center for Disease Control recommends lowering humidity levels in your crawl space or basement to between 40 and 60%. This will keep your basement or crawl space drier and will help prevent mold from being able to grow there. This means a crawl space or basement dehumidifier is a “must have” if your goal is to keep your crawl space or basement free of mold.

Dehumidifiers from home improvement stores can work for smaller spaces but an industrial, high-capacity dehumidifier like the SaniDry XP is recommended to keep medium and large spaces dry all the time. The added benefit of industrial dehumidifiers is that they can handle more air capacity and keep the space that much drier. Plus they usually run more efficiently than their smaller counterparts, so they won’t be a drain on your electric bill. On top of that, you can also hook up the dehumidifier so the water it wrings out of the air is deposited outside your home. So you don’t have to remember to empty the dehumidifier everyday – it does the remembering for you!

These solutions are great preventative methods if you don’t have a mold problem in your crawlspace or basement. However if you do already have a mold issue in your home, you’ll want to call a professional mold remediation expert. Viagra Jelly Not only can they suggest preventative measures you can take, but they will also give you other heavy-hitting mold remediation solutions to get rid of your household mold problem. Plus they have years of experience in getting rid of mold so you will benefit from their knowledge and expertise.

If you think you have a basement or crawl space mold problem contact a professional mold remediation expert.

Author Bio: Lowcountry Basement Systems does mold remediation in Savannah, Hinesville, Statesboro, Sylvania, Darien, Hilton Head Island and surrounding areas in Georgia and South Carolina. Contact them today for a mold removal estimate.

Category: Home/Home Improvement
Keywords: mold remediation, home mold

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