How to Prevent and Treat Spider Veins

The term “spider veins” usually refers to the appearance of small clusters of red, purplish or blue veins mainly on the leg area. These are normally seen on the shins, ankles, thighs and calves or at times, the face. They appear like tiny little spiders and can be quite unsightly. In addition to that, they can be quite painful too. They are usually caused by various factors, which include pregnancy, heredity and hormonal changes. Although they can be seen in people of both genders, women are more prone to them.

How to prevent spider veins?

Given below are a few steps that can help prevent spider veins:

* Avoid wearing high heals, as they put additional stress on the lower legs, causing a constriction in the flow of blood, from the legs, back to the heart.
* Exercise Brand Viagra on a regular basis and preferably walk for about half an hour everyday, to increase the circulation in the legs.
* Try to avoid standing at one place for a long time. In case you have no other choice, make sure that you wear a mild compression hose, which pumps blood to the heart and back, more efficiently.
* When sitting, allow your legs to remain uncrossed. The upward flow of blood from the legs to the heart slows down, due to crossed legs.
* Make sure that your body weight, is not too much, as extra body weight puts additional pressure on the circulatory system. This in turn puts more pressure on the veins in the legs.

How to treat spider veins?

It is possible to remove and treat this condition. Given below are several procedures that can be used, in getting rid of:

* Sclerotherapy: This can treat up to forty veins in on session and between one to five sessions may be required.
* Photoderm VL: In this process, a handheld treatment unit is held against the skin, as mild laser pulses are used to destroy the affected veins.
* Electrodesiccation: This process seals the spider veins off, as an electrical current is applied.
* Ambulatory phlebectomy: This option may be considered by those who are planning to undergo surgery, for varicose veins.

However, before choosing an option that can treat spider veins, it is important to discuss all of them with a professional dermatologist, after a proper examination. Some forms of treatment may include itching, swelling, redness bruises and in some rare cases, scarring too.

Author Bio: Kevin Pederson, authors web content for a complete online resource featuring diet, health and fitness. This article is focused on helping you plan for new year resolutions for healthy diet plans

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: treat spider veins,prevent spider veins,remove spider veins,getting rid of spider veins

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