How to Recognize Impacted Wisdom Teeth

If you are experiencing pain in your furthest back molars and gums, chances are you are in for a special treat: wisdom tooth removal! Most wisdom teeth have little trouble with extraction, but there are certain complications that can occur which make the process of removal more difficult, and the recovery more painful.

The most common complication is for the wisdom teeth to be impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth are the third molars at the back of the mouth, which were not allowed enough room to emerge or grow normally.

This can result in great pain, damage to other teeth, and other dental problems. Sometimes impaction can even make the patient more vulnerable to disease.

As you can see, this is a problem that should be assessed and taken care of immediately. This is usually done through surgical removal, by an oral surgeon.

Impacted wisdom teeth don’t always cause symptoms. However, when your impacted tooth becomes infected, some indications may pop up which will encourage you to go to your dentist.

This can include but is not restricted to pain, red and swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, swelling in your jaw and muscles, bad breath, an unpleasant taste in your mouth, and headaches. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is time to consult a dentist or oral surgeon immediately.

The reason for this happening to some and not others is really just chance. Wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of seventeen and twenty five.

Some people have their molars emerge without any problems, and never cause them any pain. If this is you, count yourself very lucky!

An impacted tooth may partially erupt so that a part of the crown is visible-this is called partial impaction. If it never breaks through the gums, it is considered a full impaction.

Whichever of these is the case, this can result in the tooth growing at an angle towards your second molar, growing at an angle toward the back of the mouth, growing perpendicular to Kamagra the other teeth, or even growing straight up or down and become trapped within the jawbone. None of these cases are irreversible or untreatable; some just might require more special care and time than others.

If you allow these situations to go out of control for too long, this can cause serious damage to your other teeth. It can damage the second molars, and leave it vulnerable to infection.

It can also cause a cyst to form below the surface of the gums, which will fill with fluid and damage the teeth and nerves. In extreme cases, a tumor can develop that will require additional removal of the tissue and bone.

If your wisdom teeth are partially emerged, they are particularly more vulnerable to tooth decay. This problem occurs because the furthest back molars are more difficult to clean, and bacteria and food more can become more easily trapped.

This can lead to a very painful gum disease called pericoronitis. It is a chronic inflammation of the gums, and needs to be treated before permanent damage occurs.

When you do seek out the help of a dentist, be prepared to tell him or her exactly when your symptoms began, and when they seem to be worse. For example, if they are worse when you are chewing, drinking, brushing your teeth, etc.

Pay attention to any bleeding you may have when brushing or flossing. Your dentist will need to know about this to know how to proceed.

You will then most likely have x-rays taken, which will be able to show your oral surgeon exactly what kind of impaction they are dealing with, and which direction the teeth are pointing. They will then know exactly how to open the surgical site, and extract them.

Surgical extraction Viagra Jelly is almost always done as an outpatient procedure, and usually does not take more than a couple of hours. They may choose to use local anesthesia or to put you in a twilight kind of sleep.

You will most likely feel quite groggy and sedated afterwards, so it is a good idea to have a friend or family member there to take you home. Be sure to take any kind of anti-swelling and pain medication that your surgeon may prescribe for you.

These procedures do not have to be very invasive, if you are quick to see your dentist at the first sign of pain. When treated quickly and properly, you can be back on your feet and feeling well in no time.

Author Bio: Ignacio Lopez has been working as an Oral Surgeon since 1985. He has written several article about oral health throughout his life. He recommends wisdom teeth Utah for all your oral needs.

Ignacio Lopez

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: wisdom teeth Utah

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