How to Save Energy and Money in Your Home

Are you tired of getting bills and paying a lot of money each month for your home’s electricity, heating and cooling systems? You’re not alone and as people are cutting back on their spending habits, this is an easy area where you can easily save money on your home for years to come.

Efficient home lighting

Take home lighting as an example. With traditional light bulbs, lamps work harder to output heat and light. With compact fluorescent bulbs, light is produced using much less energy and heat. The compact light bulbs last much longer than traditional light bulbs, which means they need to be replaced far less too. So not only do you save money on buying light bulbs, but the real payoff is in the money you save on your electric bill to turn the lights on. By changing out all your home’s light bulbs you could save up to 50 to 75% on your home lighting bill! Over the years that could really add up to great savings that would help pay for something a little more exciting than lighting your home. Plus you can sleep better at night knowing you’re helping make our environment an even better place.

Water conservation

One of the reasons the media talks so much about water conservation is that we spend a lot of money heating the relatively large amount of water we as Americans use. To you this translates into money, in the form of bills — especially if you pay for your water by the gallon. Electricity makes up a whopping 80% of the expense of processing and distributing water that we use. Conserving your water usage will save you money and let you rest assured that you are doing everything you can to improve your financial situation by maximizing your savings at home.

Not only can you conserve your water usage, but you can also make sure your home has the most energy-efficient, tankless water heater possible. This way, when you do use hot water, you know you’re doing everything you can to save resources and money. Water heaters have come a long way in how they use electricity efficiently. A newer, more efficient water heater will save you more money than an older, less effective model.

A professional home energy technician can help determine whether it makes sense for you to Kamagra Soft replace your old water heater or not. They do this by looking at your existing water heater and assessing the potential improvement you would gain from a new water heater. If the benefits outweigh the cost or a homeowner wants to be more efficient, an improvement may be suggested.

Power Saving Strips

Saving electricity is a common thread in energy conservation. To conserve money and energy we are usually talking about electricity. When you step back and think about it, it’s astounding how many electrical appliances we have in our homes. Wouldn’t Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison be amazed at how dependent we are on electricity? It’s also amazing at how much electricity we unknowingly waste each and every day just by having our electric appliances plugged in. When we turn an appliance off and leave the room, it’s still plugged in – let’s use a computer as an example. Even if you shut the computer down, it’s plugged into the wall which is still running some electricity to the machine. This is also known as a phantom load. Now can you imagine unplugging each appliance every day before you leave the house? It’s not likely to happen right?

A Smart Strip is a power strip you can plug your appliances into. What makes the Smart Strip different is that it detects when an appliance is shut down and it shuts off the phantom load too. This makes it much easier to turn off your computer, printer, phone charger with the flip of 1 switch instead of unplugging the 3 devices. The Smart Strip makes it easier for you to conserve energy and control your electricity expenses all at once so there isn’t a downside to using it.

These are just a few tips that can benefit you and your wallet. For even more savings, get a comprehensive home energy audit done on your home.

Author Bio: To schedule a home energy audit in Des Moines, contact Dr. Energy Saver today. Marianne Snyder frequently writes about home improvement topics such as basement waterproofing, home energy efficiency and crawl space repair.

Category: Home/Home Improvement
Keywords: home energy audit, energy efficiency

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