Is It Possible To Buy Human Growth Hormone

It is possible to buy human growth hormone, but there is debate about the wisdom of doing so. Although it was once possible to get actual human growth hormone (HGH) from cadavers, this is not a practice now. Most HGH is synthetic, produced in a laboratory to appear the same in chemical make up and molecular structure as the natural hormone. Much research has been done on HGH therapy, both in clinical treatment of childhood growth abnormality and adult deficiency. Results have been positive in part, but the expense, side effects, and long term negative effects of the synthetic hormone are reasons to be cautious of this therapy.

The synthetic HGH injections that can be obtained are by prescription only, and have sometimes been offered by doctors and researchers in clinical settings. Oral synthetic HGH sprays have been available for years, but have not been proved to have beneficial results. They also have unpleasant side Cialis Jelly effects and can contain questionable substances that carry or dilute the HGH.

A wiser approach to getting the benefits of HGH may be the use of herbal supplements, as well as vitamins and minerals, to nourish the body, in particular the pituitary gland that produces this hormone. By stimulating the gland with heightened nutrition and herbal stimulants, which are considered safe if used as directed, the body is supplied with its own hormone, which has no negative side effects.

There are many nutritional supplements that claim to have benefits for anti-aging, weight loss, and energy production. Cell growth, regeneration, repair, and function are all enhanced by plentiful HGH. This hormone declines with age, however, beginning to decrease at about age 30. Many nutritional products have been studied in clinical trials, and the results have been published and are available on request.

Human growth hormone has demonstrated its ability to retain and rebuild muscle tissue, make recovery from exertion faster, increase energy and stamina, and enhance mental alertness. For these reasons, athletes have used the hormone to enhance performance. The substance has been banned by many national and world organizations, such as the Olympic Committee.

In short, it is perfectly possible to buy HGH, or to stimulate the natural production of it. Using a synthetic product may cause a higher risk of developing diabetes, liver damage, joint pain, and other serious side effects. Natural stimulants can be safer, but must be used wisely and in amounts that are accepted as safe.

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Category: Health/Supplements and Vitamins
Keywords: Buy Human Growth Hormone

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