Lose Weight Without Dieting – 5 Ways You Can Really Lose Weight Without Dieting

If you are trying to lose weight, you have probably tried all kinds of crazy diets that just did not work…right? Can you really lose weight without dieting? Yes, you can. This article will expose 5 ways help you lose weight that really work!

Most diets leave you hungry, tired and depressed. You can lose weight without dieting, but it will mean a lifestyle change and the willingness to stick with a plan to change. If you follow a crazy diet that does not include eating enough of the right foods, you may lose weight only to gain it and even more back. Let us take a look at 5 simple changes you can make to get the weight off and keep it off.

First let us see how it really works. How does fat and calories equal each other? Well, one pound of fat is equal to approximately 3,500 calories. So by cutting out 500 calories per day, you could lose about one pound per week. If you only want to maintain your weight, then cutting 100 calories per day would keep you from gaining the normal 1-2 pounds most people gain every year.

If you can incorporate these 5 things, you will lose weight without dieting.

1. Do not skip breakfast. One bad habit for dieters is to skip meals especially breakfast. Most people that lose weight and keep it off adopt a habit of always eating breakfast. If you skip the first meal of the day, you are more likely to eat more during the day and even snack on junk foods. Try eating a light breakfast such as a bowl of whole-grain unsweetened cereal topped with fruit, low-fat milk and a small amount of honey. This will be a great start to the day and set the tone of eating during the day.

2. Do not eat late at night. Nothing is worse for your weight than having the late night munchies. Have a set time to close the kitchen at night early say around 7:00 or 8:00 pm. Set this habit and stick with it. Have an after dinner snack if you like such as flavored water, fruit or a small bowl of no sugar added ice cream or frozen yogurt. Then brush your teeth and do not eat or drink any more until breakfast.

3. Avoid sweetened drinks. Nothing can pack on the weight any quicker than high calorie sweetened drinks and colas. Not only do they have an abundance of calories, but they also make you hungry and more likely to snack on junk foods. Quench your thirst with flavored water or teas, skim or low-fat milk, or small portions of low sugar 100% fruit juice. If you like vegetables, try drinking low-calorie, low sugar vegetable juice. Stay away from alcoholic drinks, as they are loaded with sugar and calories.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables. You do not have to worry about reading a label on the side of fruits and vegetables. Most fruits and vegetables are generally good for you and can help you lose weight without dieting. They are filling as well as full of nutrients and vitamins.

5. Cut portion size. If you can reduce your food portion sizes by 10% – 20%, you are sure to lose weight. Restaurants have a tendency to over do it with the portions on your plate, so try to cook No prescription cialis and eat at home as much as possible. Watch eating at the buffets and all-you-can-eat bars, as this is just a magnet pulling you in to eat super large portions and will pack on the weight.

These are just a few tips to help you get started toward your weight loss goal. If you would like to know more, read on…

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Category: Fitness/Weight Loss
Keywords: Lose Weight Without Dieting,weight loss goal,weight loss,lose weight,low sugar

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