Myths about Root Canals That Will Put Your Mind at Ease

People seem to cringe when they hear the words root canal, but reading the truth about these oral surgery myths can help you get a better sense of what having a root canal really is all about. If you are waiting to have one, these will be sure to put your mind at ease.

The first myth is that root canals hurt. According to the American Association of Endodontists, the perception of root canals being painful began decades ago when root canal treatments were painful.

Today, with modern technology and better anesthetics, these treatments are no more painful than having a filling. Knowing what to expect while having a these procedures can help ease a lot of anxiety.

The next myth is that root canals require a lot of visits to the dentist. With today’s cutting edge technology, most root canals can be performed in one or two office visits, barring any complications.

Third, it is not true that crowns cause teeth to need root canals. Many people believe that having a crown on a tooth means that the tooth will eventually need a root canal.

Crowns do not cause the need for root canal therapy. If a crowned tooth does require a root canal, it could be that the tooth has abscessed or that decay has gotten underneath the crown and reached the pulp of the tooth.

Next it is a myth that root canals cause illness-there is no evidence to support that they cause illness. However, there is evidence to support the fact that people who have had root canals are no more at risk for developing illness than people who have never had root canals.

Next, these procedures do not involve removing the roots of the tooth. When the dentist or endodontist performs a treatment, he or she remove the pulp from inside of the tooth.

The roots of the tooth are not removed. This should put your mind at ease, as root removal would be much more painful.

Against what some people may think, pregnant women can indeed have these procedures. Pregnant women can and do have them.

Having this done does require a small x-ray, but the radiation exposure is very minimal and the x-ray is aimed at the mouth, not the abdomen area. If you are pregnant and your dentist needs to give you an x-ray, he will use a lead apron to cover your belly.

The anesthetics that dentists use are also safe for pregnant women. Be sure to let your dentist know beforehand if you are pregnant.

Next, even with A root canal, the tooth will come out eventually-this is not true. If you have your tooth properly restored, maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist for regular checkups, your natural tooth could last for the rest of your life.

Even if the tooth doesn’t hurt, there may still be need for a root canal. While a throbbing toothache usually results in the need for a treatment, many times a tooth can require a treatment when there is no pain present.

Dentists and endodontists are specially trained to test a tooth to see if the pulp has been infected or damaged. If this is the case, one of these procedures would be necessary to save the tooth.

Contrary to popular belief, pulling the tooth is not better than getting a root canal. Keeping your natural teeth for as long as possible is very important for proper eating and chewing functions.

There are several options available for missing teeth, such as dentures, partial dentures, dental implants and fixed dental bridges. However, these alternatives can be much more expensive than saving your tooth with a simple root canal treatment.

Lastly, after having a root canal, your tooth is not necessarily completely restored. After having one of these procedures, it is extremely Brand Viagra important to make a follow-up appointment with your dentist to have the tooth permanently restored.

After the pulp of the tooth has been removed, the tooth can become very dry and brittle. Having a permanent restoration will help protect your tooth from fracturing.

As you can see, there are many misconceptions about these procedures. There is no reason to dread them or be afraid if you simple know all of the facts.

Author Bio: Tom Selwick is a former dental assistant, has authored hundreds of articles relating to oral health and has worked for an family dentist Scottsdale. He has been a guest dental lecturer for over 15 years.

Contact Info:
Tom Selwick

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: family dentist Scottsdale

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