Popular and Esoteric Advertising Jargon

Learning online advertising language is a necessary first step towards successful and result oriented advertising. It is frustrating if you are keen on advertising online but cannot really get through the acronyms and buzz words. Many of the definitions are close, but the differences are important. Here’s a list of some popular words and acronyms you probably know and some esoteric ones that you may not know.

Pay per Click advertising or PPC as it is commonly referred to be names for ads that are placed on pages where search engine results are displayed. As an advertiser you sign a contract with the Search Engine in order to display these small ads based on keywords searched. The effectiveness of ad display depends on a combination of the amount of money you pay per click competition for placement and your monthly budget limit.In Pay per Click advertising you pay every time a user clicks on your ad and visits your site.

Cost per Lead also referred to as CPL is the same as cost per action. Here you pay for obtaining a lead which means you pay for obtaining contact information of potential prospects.

Cost per Action or CPA is similar to CPC. Whenever a person searching clicks on your link you pay for it. Even when you acquire a searcher through a purchase or email sign up you have to pay. This in fact is the method by which affiliate marketers are paid by businesses.

Effective Cost per Action or eCPA is used to gauge the extent to which the advertising you purchase through methods such as CPC is effective. It also provides you with a comparison of what you would have paid had you chosen the CPA or CPC methods of advertising.

Cost per Impression or CPI is an advertising method where you pay every time your advertisement is viewed by the user. Every time the ad is loaded onto the screen of the user it is counted by the server as one impression.

Cost per Thousand or CPT sometimes called CPM or cost per mille estimates the cost per 1000 views of the ad. This is a computed Silagra cost e.g. if the total cost for running an ad is $10,000 and the audience is 1000000 the CPT is $10000 / 1,000,000/1000 = $10.

Cost per Click or CPC is a method of payment where you pay each time a user clicks on your ad to visit your website. PPC is similar to CPC but refers to the industry in general in contrast to CPC which refers to a measurement.

Click through Rate also referred to as CPR tells you how many times your ad was clicked on and how many times it was viewed. The number is represented in percentage allowing you to gauge the effectiveness of the advertisement.
Page Rank i.e PR The position that your website has on a given search engine.

Keyword Bid The maximum amount of money to be spent when a viewer clicks on a pay per click ad on a search engine.

Return on Investment also known as ROI measures your returns on what you invest in advertising your product or service. It measures the revenue you receive in relation to what you have invested in the advertisement.

Author Bio: Source from uk wholesalers, wholesale suppliers & dropship forum, dropshipping wholesalers, wholesale forums, wholesale clothing wholesalers, wholesale video games suppliers

Category: Business/Advertising
Keywords: advertising,search engine,Pay per click,Cost per Thousand,Cost per Impression,Cost per Action

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