Preparing for a Biological Attack

There are many kinds of disasters that could strike at any moment and devastate a town, state, or population. Some of these disasters could be caused by man and others are simply natural disasters.

One potential man-made disaster would be a biological attack. A biological attack is the purposeful spreading of germs or other substances that can make one ill.

The biological attack would most likely have to enter the body through an exposed cut, breathed in or eaten in order to be effective. One of the most recent biological attach scares was the anthrax scare.

Luckily, anthrax is not a contagious disease. Some other potential biological attacks are not contagious either.

However, others are contagious. For example, smallpox, which unintentional, kill thousands of people because it was very contagious.

If a biological attack were to occur, it is likely that you would not know immediately as it would take some time for people to show symptoms of illness. Most of the time biological attacks are identified through a series of reports of unusual illnesses by emergency and regular medical staff.

Once the biological attach is identified, it is likely that you will learn about it through a news broadcast or an emergency radio station. If the threat is serious enough, quarantines may be issued and you may receive a personal phone call or have someone visit you to let you know the seriousness of the situation.

In the time immediately following the biological attack the official word on what to do may be slower in coming than the public would like as the health officials conduct tests to determine what the illness is, how it can be treated, and who is the most at risk for contracting the disease.

During this time continue to watch the TV and read updates about the disease. As you read or listen, look for references to your area or group and whether you are possibly at risk for contracting the disease.

It will also be important to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of the disease so if someone shows these signs they can be reported and receive prompt treatment. If someone does develop this disease, you will want to know whether it can be treated at home, if there is a specific medication that should be used, and whether or not a vaccine is being developed.

If a vaccine is being developed, you will want to know where and when it is being given out so you can protect your family. During the risk period of the biological attack, it will be important to be suspicious of any illness a family member develops.

However, you should not immediately rush off to the hospital if the symptoms of the illness are very different. It will also be very important to maintain excellent cleanliness and hygiene Levitra Professional in order to avoid the spread of germs during this time.

On the other hand, if you start showing symptoms of the biological attack illness and you are part of the group thought to be especially at risk, be sure to get emergency medical attention immediately. As you follow the news reports and broadcasts, be sure to follow the advice of the doctors and officials.

Following these instructions could save your life and the lives of your family members. If the disease is contagious it is likely that you will be advised to stay away from others and certain homes may even be quarantined.

Biological attacks can come in a variety of ways. If you come across an unusual substance, get away as quickly as possible and report it to the authorities.

You can take measures to protect yourself through covering your nose and mouth with three layers of a cotton t-shirt or several layers of tissues or paper towels. In addition, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

In preparation for such an event, it will important to have an emergency food supply. If the illness reaches epidemic proportions, you will not want to have to risk the lives of your family members to purchase food.

If you or your family gets sick, you will probably not feel like going to the store. In addition, if you do, it will put thousands of others at risk.

Even if you are only able to put away a 72 hour kit per family member, it will be better than nothing. The 72 hour kit may be long enough for you to receive the necessary medical attention.

Author Bio: Jack R. Landry is an accomplished expert in family preparedness and has been giving seminars for over 15 years. He recommends that everyone have on hand an 72 hour kits in case of any emergency or disaster.

Contact Info:
Jack R. Landry

Category: Food and Drink
Keywords: 72 hour kits

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