Privacy Bathroom Partitions

Bathroom privacy can be one concern that many people share. When using a restroom in a public facility, having the privacy you would normally have at home can be very important to your customers. Luckily, commercial bathroom partitions are available in various designs so you can choose what suits your needs while allowing customers to have the privacy they require. The construction of your commercial bathroom may determine what type of restroom partition works best. While privacy is essential, having safe wall partitions are vital to keep customers safe.

Privacy partitions are available in various materials, including stainless steel, baked enamel, solid plastic, plastic laminate and solid phenolic core. Furthermore, they can be mounted to different areas in the bathroom. You can choose from floor braced, ceiling hung, overhead braced, and floor to ceiling bathroom partitions. Each type of wall partition will work best in certain types of bathroom designs. For example, floor to ceiling partitions can offer extra stability than other options.

Overhead braced restroom stalls are very convenient because they don’t require specific floor to ceiling construction. Solid plastic, stainless steel, and baked enamel are just a few choices you have when looking for overhead braced bathroom partitions. There is also a no-site partition that has no gaps between the door and pilasters. This is a perfect option for more upscale areas whose patrons require a more private environment. Baked enamel is another affordable option you can choose. It too has a wide selection of colors to choose from.

Ceiling hung bathroom screens are best for areas that have low ceilings that are less than eight feet high. Due to not having any connection to the floor, this type of commercial restroom partition allows easy maintenance. Many different colors are available to choose from to match the restroom’s color scheme. Low cost prescription cialis generic plastic laminate provides a corrosion-resistant material that works great in movie theaters, retail stores, and restaurants.

Floor braced bathroom partitions are intended for areas that have high ceilings. This design gives the effect of spaciousness to its visitors. Solid phenolic core floor braced restroom stalls will resist bacteria, water, oil, and humidity. Maintenance is easy since they are able to handle hose-down cleaning. In fact, solid phenolic bathroom panels can also work for shower partitions. Stainless steel bathroom stalls feature seamless panels and are stronger than alternatives. A textured or satin brush finish lets you decide on the final look.

Floor to ceiling bathroom panels are recommended for areas that need additional stability. You can choose from a stainless steel design that has a textured or satin finish or baked enamel that has many different color choices. The solid plastic restroom partitions are perfect for theme parks, stadiums, or any area that has high levels of vandalism. Solid plastic restroom partitions are durable and low maintenance.

Wall partitions for urinals are also available for privacy. Baked enamel and stainless steel models have a treated corrigated core. Solid plastic, along with Plastic laminate and solid phenolic core are a couple of other options that won’t rust or delaminate for privacy partitions.

Author Bio: Please visit for more information about privacy bathroom partitions, commercial bathroom partitions, baked enamel partitions and more.

Category: Business/Advertising
Keywords: Privacy Bathroom Partitions, Bathroom Partitions, Durable Restroom Partitions, Commercial Bathroom Partitions

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