Recognize The Signs Of Prescription Drug Abuse

Our culture thinks it knows what drug abuse looks like. We tend to believe that it is marked by an inability to function normally within society. We see it only when the addict forgets about personal hygiene, slurs their speech, or is constantly begging for money to score.

The truth is that there are plenty of “functioning addicts”–those that can carry on their habit while appearing perfectly normal in all other aspects of their lives. This is often particularly true for those suffering from addiction to prescription drugs.

Some users obtain them legally (or steal them from someone who has them legally) and develop the habit through unfortunate circumstances, such as someone prescribed pain killers after a debilitating car accident.

But how No prescription cialis can we, as the loved ones of someone that is addicted, recognize the signs that something is amiss? It can be extremely difficult to know for sure, and no matter how strong your suspicions, you should never force a confrontation on the subject.

There are some red flags for which you should keep your eyes open, however, and that could make all the difference in a friend or family member’s life. It will require some extra bravery on your part to admit that someone close to you has a problem.

If you know that the person in question was prescribed a medication in the past year or two, particularly something meant to dull pain after an accident or surgery, pay attention to their dosage.

This does not mean that you should go snooping or spy on them while they are taking pills, but if you know they were meant to take one tablet every four hours, and you see them exceeding their dosing instructions, this may be a sign that they are developing an unhealthy dependence.

Pay attention to strange side effects, particularly erratic behavior. Is the person in question exhibiting mood swings or acting strangely? For example, do they seem constantly dizzy, Cialis Professional foggy, or just plain “out of it”? This is somewhat normal for prescription drugs, but if they seem to constantly act this way, this is definitely a cause for concern.

When they don’t have access to their medication, how do they act? It is normal for them to become somewhat irritable if the pain from their injury is still acute, but do they begin to grow panicked or desperate? Do they try to find ways to get a strong pain reliever somewhere else?

As I said before, realizing that your loved one may be tangled up in a powerful addiction can be a scary thing. But if you are willing to recognize the signs for what they are, you can make a difference.

Author Bio: Renaissance Ranch ( one of the best Utah drug rehabilitation services.

Category: Business
Keywords: Utah drug rehabilitation

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