Reminders Whenever You Make A Chicken Coop

Chicken house building is becoming more and more popular among people who take care of chickens. True, buying a coop is easier however, it can be very costly. It is therefore advisable that you just engage in building chicken coops as that option is much more affordable, plus you can be assured of the good quality of materials when you make a chicken coop yourself.

Chicken House Parts

A coop for your birds is not just a square structure without any divisions, ‘accessories’, etc. There are actually certain parts that you should not forget to build for you to be able to properly take care of chickens and keep them healthy and happy.

1. There should be nest boxes in the coop if you plan to raise chickens.

Nest boxes are important parts that you should never ever forget whenever you are building chicken coops. A nesting box is the place where your hens can lay their eggs. Nest boxes also serve as roosting spots for your birds. When you make a chicken coop, therefore, you should always build nesting boxes.

2. Create perches for your hens.

Creating perches is also a must in chicken house building. This is because chickens cannot remain on the ground all the time. They usually want to stay in raised areas when resting or sleeping, thus, when you take care of chickens, you should always ensure that they have structures to perch on.

3. Come up with feeders and water troughs for your birds.

Chicken owners who are into building chicken coops should also make water troughs and feeders. Of course, those should be placed far apart from each other as hens have the negative habit of playing with their water and food. If you want to avoid the mixing of chicken feeds and water, see to it that you also place the water dishes and the ‘feeding plates’ in their proper places when you are into DIY chicken house building.

4. Perform some measures to keep the coop well-ventilated.

Individuals who decide to make a chicken coop should also think about how they can provide ventilation for their chickens. Constructing vents on the walls of the coops is a good idea. Creating windows is also a wise move for those who really want to take care of chickens the right way.

Materials Used In Building Chicken Coops

Chicken pens are most commonly made out of wood, chicken wires, wire meshes, and so on. You can look around your garage or your yard for some scraps of wood, pieces of wire, etc, which you can use whenever you are ready to make a chicken coop. Using materials readily available in your backyard/garage during chicken house building activities will help you save a few dollars, compared to purchasing new materials. Of course, if there are still other materials that you can’t find in your residence, you can just buy them from a local hardware shop. When building chicken coops, also remember that you only need basic carpentry tools like a drill, a hammer, and some nails.

Author Bio: Karen Winton is a certified pet enthusiast. Want a guide on building chicken pens? Visit: Build Brand Levitra A Chicken Coop In 3 Days. For pre-made chicken house plans, see: ChickenDIYGuides.

Category: Pets and Animals
Keywords: make a chicken coop, take care of chickens, building chicken coops, chicken house building

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