San Diego Roofers The Art Of Tile Roofing

Tile roofing is not only one of the oldest styles of roofing; it is one of the most beautiful. More than five thousand years ago, the ancient builders Corinth, Greece invented tiles to cover the temples of Apollo and Poseidon. It soon spread to Asia and Europe, and today tile roofing is still used all around the world, as both a cover from the elements and as an artistic touch. However, there are many untrue facts that people seem to believe about using tiles for roofing, and I’d like to take the time to clear a few of those up.

Barn Red Tiles

Watching No Kamagra Soft prescription cialis kung-fu movies may give you the wrong impression of tile roofing. Everyone remembers those scenes, with two people grasping swords dancing around on rooftops in a ballet of violence until someone falls on a tile roof, which is where the tiles begin to slip and fall to the ground. This is simply not true. Tile roofing is attached safely so that they can withstand strong winds and other weather conditions. They do not just slip off at the slightest push. Another myth that seems to come from movies is that the only type of tile roofing is the obnoxious bright-red tile, when in fact tiles can be custom made to be almost any color you want.

A Roof For The Ages

If you are looking to buy the best roof for your money, you should look no further than a clay or concrete tiled roof. Costing less than slate, these roofs can stand effectively for 50 to 100 years, and perhaps even longer. There are still large structures in Asia that have had the same tile roofing for centuries, and not only does it still sit there, but it doesn’t leak. It’s an interesting theory when you really think about it, that tile roofing may in fact outlast the building it sits on, especially when you consider that shingles begin to deteriorate from the first day you attach them.

Safety First

Here’s a bit of information that may or may not come as a shock to you: Tile roofing is the safest type of roof you could have. Tiles are considered Class A fire resistant, which does not only mean that you have less chance of dying due to your house burning down around you, but your insurance rates may be lowered. Not only that, but tile roofing has also been known to stand up better to earthquakes and ice storms. The most violent of hail storms may only damage a small amount of tile, but would destroy a shingled roof. Finally, there’s the myth that most homes are not strong enough to support tile. While this may have been true five thousand years ago, today’s tile is lightweight but still strong, and almost any house can withstand the weight.

Author Bio: Rescue Roofer started in 1979 as a residential San Diego Roofing contractor predominantly installing Complete Roofing Systems. San Diego Roofers was founded on one basic principal “Focus on helping homeowners solve their roofing problems.” This sounds elementary. But if it is, why do homeowners have so many bad contractor experiences?

Category: Home/Home Improvement
Keywords: san diego roofers, san diego roofing, san diego roofer

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