Smiling for a Better Life

Regularly attending the dentist’s office can provide many hidden benefits as well as several obvious benefits. A visit to the dentist office can help protect your teeth from further decay and catch harmful diseases before they become too developed.

In turn, catching these diseases and treating them at an early stage can help preserve your overall health as well. Some oral diseases can affect other parts of the body if they are not treated soon enough.

In addition to these health benefits, a trip to the dentist office can help you improve your social, emotional, and mental states of life.

A healthy smile can help you find more success in the workplace. It is also likely that you will be able to develop more friendships and lead a vibrant social life.

A smile is known to be an expression of happiness and joy that is used all over the world. This makes it very easy to portray friendliness even if you are in a different country or if you are unfamiliar with the language that another person speaks.

This expression of joy can use anywhere from ten to 53 facial muscles to perform. This is a lot of work, but this extra work is worth the feeling that is portrayed.

It is interesting to note that frowning takes even more muscles to perform. The expression of sadness is even more work, so it is not as much work to be happy.

Smiling also provides some of the same benefits that exercising does. When you exercise endorphins are released.

Endorphins are chemicals that help you feel better. These chemicals are also released when you begin smiling.

There is a phrase that is sometimes heard. It says, “Fake it until you make it.”

In the case of smiling this is very true. Even faking a smile can release the endorphins and make you feel much happier than you were previously.

In is also interesting to note that studies have discovered that people are born with the ability to smile. This means that the movement is not something that babies copy after observing their parents.

This fact was discovered in studying babies and people that were born blind. These people still smile when they are happy even though they have never seen anyone else smile.

Observation of newborns shows that babies will smile in a special way known as Duchenne smiling only for special people such as loved ones. These smiles exhibit pure happiness and joy.

A Duchenne smile is a genuine smile. The muscles are used differently when genuinely smiling and fake smiling.

A genuine smile is very difficult if not impossible to fake. Adults can exhibit Duchenne smiles as well.

In addition, studies have also found that newborns prefer a smiling face rather than a placid face. They know the difference and they respond to the difference Levitra Professional accordingly.

It is also a well-known fact that women smile more often than men do. Likewise, younger people will smile more than older people will.

After one extensive study, the researchers classified over 18 different kinds of smiles that are used in diverse social situations. These types of smiles range from smug to proud to genuine.

However, there are two main types of smiles that are used. The first is the previously mentioned Duchenne or genuine smile that expresses true happiness.

The second smile is the social smile that is portrayed mostly through the eyes. These smiles are more polite and demur rather than a true expression of joy.

When a person is seen smiling, those around him or her can immediately tell which kind of smile they are portraying. Those who genuinely smile more often are immediately believed to be more pleasant, attractive, sincere, sociable, and competent than a person who does not smile.

As you smile and you are perceived to be all of these things, you may find that you are becoming those things. Smiling can help you have a more positive outlook on life which will help you become more successful in the workplace and in other areas of your life.

You may find that you become more self-confident and have a higher level of self-esteem. In addition, your smile will spread to others and you will be able to help them find more success in their life as well.

The experience you will have from living a happy life will be invaluable to you. Not only can you improve your life, but the lives of those around you.

Author Bio: Tommy Greene is a former dental assistant and has authored hundreds of articles relating to oral health and Knoxville implant dentist. He has been a guest dental lecturer for over 15 years.

Contact Info:

Tommy Greene

Category: Health
Keywords: Knoxville implant dentist

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