The Power Behind Social Media

Persuasion is a big part of what I do and I sell a lot using social media. Everyone talks about how social media isn’t the place for selling. The interaction and relating to your customers is important. I look at social media no differently than I do a radio or television commercial. Those forms sometimes are not interesting at all.

What I find interesting is that you have to make a distinction between interacting with your clients and selling. The best sales people in the world all interact with their clients in someway shape or form. They give out valuable information and something that is useful. Most people have problems and the interaction can lead to solutions.

If you use social media to shout at people telling them to buy, buy, buy or get their attention in other shouting ways your customers can turn on you very quickly. That’s were people make their mistakes.

Social media is a wonderful tool that can be used to enhance your selling. It can highly influence people to go one way or the next. You don’t want to scream at people, interrupt them, spam them and stuff like that. Using stuff like I just mentioned will have your customers turning on you quickly.

For me to launch a product successfully, I have a process that I go through. First I’ll do x amount of one kind of tweeting and x amount of another kind of posting. Then I’ll make sure I have it on my blog. When people interact with you, you see where the interest lies.

I like to use a combination of two different kinds of approaching. I have a certain way I create videos. When I use certain programs; they have ways of letting Kamagra jelly you know which videos are the ones that are well liked. If they go to a URL that I tell them about in the video, I can see what kind of traffic I am getting from that video.

The things I am doing allow me to be very targeted in what I am doing. I have a certain way I like to tweet all the time; I update my blog on a regular basis and interact with my friends on other social networks. Those things all work. I also do pre-teleseminars. Everything has it usage and I use it very well.

When people talk to me, I talk back to them. I sometimes get into a conversation with some of them as well. It all tells me how interesting I am being to my clients. I also encourage them to tell their friends about what I am doing. If you do social media the right way, it will give you a good return on your time.

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Category: Business/Tools and Resources
Keywords: social media, using social media, social media society, social media environment

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