The Skinny On What To Do In Las Vegas To Stay Fit

With more than nineteen thousand conventions held in this town, per annum, it’s no wonder that many folks find themselves wondering what to do in Las Vegas. It’s one thing to come here just for some fun gambling or some serious eloping. But if your next convention destination brings you to the southern part of the Nevada desert, you may just wonder what to do in those few hours you have to do nothing.

Most people don’t think of ‘business’ when they think of Vegas, but there are plenty of serious opportunities to spend your convention time here networking with people you’ve never met before. The process of networking here begins on the flight in. After all, everybody on your flight is headed to the same place you are! Whether you’re looking to hook up with someone who knows the town better than you do, looking for a gambling or dinner companion or just looking to hand out a business card or two, never underestimate the power of the flight.

Networking doesn’t stop when your flight lands. If your convention is being held at one of the more popular hotels (and whose isn’t?) you will be waiting in line at the reception desk. Unless you’re already a “regular”, with high roller rights to express check-in, you’ll have to wait in line up to an hour just like everybody else. Rather than moan and complain or isolate yourself on your cell phone, why not get to know the other folks in line? You’re all in the same boat (e. G., line) so you have an excellent excuse to mingle and pass out a few calling cards even if they have nothing more than your website address listed.

Short on gambling time at the hotel? Just get to the airport early for your flight home. Money can just as easily be won at the airport so don’t worry if you arrive early or if your flight is delayed. There are plenty of opportunities to gamble while you wait and the second floor slot lounge is a traveler’s delight. Cashing in quickly is no problem since pit staff is available to cash you in right at your machine. Don’t forget to tip and you’ll be cashed in and given a good luck prayer every time you turn on your attendant light.

One of the best in town past times that is over-looked by the weary business traveler is a simple one. Room service! It’s twenty-four hours here and you had might as well take advantage of it! That means breakfast in bed or a 3:00 a. M. Snack is just a phone call away. If you’re thinking “But it’s so expensive!”, consider just how much your last real vacation actually cost you in cold hard cash, then phone in your breakfast order before going to bed! Next to a wake-up call, exquisite room service is a small luxury you’ll have time for while here on business.

Business travelers usually don’t have that much down-time outside of the convention hours. But walking the strip during an evening off means enjoying benefits such as a warm evening stroll, side-walk cocktail sipping and free entertainment wherever you happen to look. Strolling the strip is free and especially fun for the first-time visitor. It’s a great way Viagra Jelly to check out various hotels and casinos that you might want to bring your spouse to during your next visit to the City when you come back just for fun!

For those who must shop everywhere they go, your convention venue will undoubtedly provide you with ample opportunity to pick up anything from a fine antique to a “My Mom Went To Vegas and All I Got Was This T-Shirt” gift for your kids back home. Everybody loves to get postcards from this town, so don’t hold back. Put a postcard stamp on all the best “Greetings from Sin City” and send one to your folks, friends and neighbors! You’ll have some explaining to do when you get home, you’ll have fun telling them too!

Knowing what to do in Las Vegas, when here for a business convention, may sound silly. You already know you’ll spend most of your time in an air-conditioned conference room listening to boring business stuff and swapping notes and giggles with other attendees. You’ll have to suffer through gourmet luncheon buffets fit for royalty and you’ll have to keep saying “No!” to all of the tempting desserts they throw your way. If you’re lucky enough to have a few moments to yourself and actually do get a chance to play a slot or even a round of golf at a nearby course, just remember one very important point. Many people come here to play their money on a chance at winning big. While you were here, whether you played or not, you were one of the real winners when you left. Why? As a business traveler you actually got paid to play and stay here! Lucky you!

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Category: Recreation and Leisure/Travel/Destinations
Keywords: vacation, las vegas, new york, relax, travel, leisure, business, society

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