Tips in Extending Life Span Of A House

Acquiring a house of your own is an accomplishment of a great feat. The house is one big investment that necessitated long time savings and sacrificing. When man finally sets foot inside the house he has purchased he has culminated one great dream. After the purchase, the next investment is the contents of the house. All of the hard work in putting up the home and contents will be useless if the house is not adequately maintained and protected.

Having successfully acquired the house is not the end. The life span of the building can be prolonged with proper care, especially if the house is not new. The goal is to prevent depreciation of the building and this can be prevented by doing several precautionary measures such as renovation and repair.

*When paint begins to peel off, it is time to repaint the house. Repainting both the interior and exterior will add years to the life of your house. And this can also be the time for you to make changes in the colors – both inside and outside.

*The house’s roof also needs repainting. Add to the repainting job the rust proofing and the water proofing. Roof coating is also advised. This part of the house is the most affected by changes in weather. Water that soaked the roof can adversely affect the ceiling and consequently the whole interior of the house – from ceiling to flooring, leakage from the roof can rot some parts of the house.

*Cabinets should be refurbished. The hinges should be checked if they are already rusty. Inside and outside of the cabinet should also be repainted or re-varnished, whatever the case maybe.

*If there are broken tiles in the flooring, in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the patio, be sure to replace them.

*Any broken glass in the windows should also be replaced. The aluminum or anodized window frames might need a facelift.

*Check the door jambs, its hinges and knobs. This is also the time to change faulty door locks.

*The wood materials in the house would need wood restoration. Then they should also be treated against pests.

*Check on the downspouts, if they are clogged, have them cleaned.

*Do not forget to have your drainage checked.

*Make sure the bathroom and kitchen sinks are in proper condition, so with the faucets, showers and toilet bowls.

*The gates should not be forgotten. Even if the whole house looks new if the fence and gate are rusty or with peeling paint, the whole house looks hideous.

Having done these repairs and renovation of the house, the building is good as new. The depreciation is eradicated and the house has now appreciated in value. If you cannot personally supervise the labor involved, including the purchase of the materials, you can hire a contractor to do the renovation.

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