Wash Your Car like a Pro

Now that it is summer, it is a great time to get out there and wash your car. Most cars get pretty dirty during the winter, especially if you live in a place with snow or rain.

This article will explain the best techniques to washing your car like a pro. So put on some old clothes, head outside and prepare for your car to look practically new!

First things first, move your car into a shady spot. However, make sure it is not under trees that drop sap.

It is important to be in a shady spot because if your car is in the sun it could dry too quickly; which will No prescription cialis leave spots. You will also want to get some different products to help you clean.

You can find these at any auto store or possibly in the auto section of a big box store. It is important to get car washing soap.

Some people think they can use dish soap, which is actually a bad idea because it can remove your car’s wax coating and it is more prone to leaving spots. You may also want to buy something to polish and wax your car, which will help it stay clean and it will look nice and shiny.

Next get some cloths or a sponge to clean the car with. You will also need to set aside a rag for drying.

Microfiber is a good material to use because it is gentle and will not scratch your car. You will also need a couple of buckets to hold water.

Using two buckets is a good idea because you can have one for the soapy water and one with just water in it to rinse your dirty cloth or sponge. Lastly, a soft brush is good for cleaning out really dirty wheels.

Once you have all of your products assembled, you are ready to start washing! If you have some stains on your car such as sap, dead bugs, bird droppings, etc. you will want to get rid of those first.

Get rid of them by directly spraying the car soap onto them and scrubbing them with the cloth or sponge. Once that is done, spray your whole car down with a hose.

The hose will remove any loose dirt or grime. Then dip your sponge or cloth in the soapy water and start washing down the car in small sections.

Make sure to start at the top and make your way down to the bottom of the car. Once you have cleaned a section of the car, use a hose or a wet rag to rinse off the soap.

When all sections of the car are cleaned and rinsed you can work on the tires. If they are really dirty, use the brush to get into the crevices and get out all of the dirt.

Once everything is clean, do one last rinse with the hose. Then use a cloth to dry the car.

You will need to dry quickly in order to avoid spots. If you want your windows extra clean, you may want to use some type of window cleaner to clean them both inside and out.

If you would like to detail your car, make sure to clean all of the little cracks and nooks that gather dirt but do not usually get cleaned. Open the doors and clean the doorjambs.

Your car also has trim around the windows which need to be cleaned. Next, if you would like, you can wax your car.

Usually you should wax your car about once a year. You can even buy a wax/polish combo.

It is all in one and easy to use. It will also save you a lot of time.

It is good to wax your car because it leaves it looking nice but it also protects the undercoat of paint. Once you are done waxing and polishing your car, do one last wipe down with a microfiber cloth.

This will pick up any remaining wax/polish. Once you are done take a step back and admire your work.

Your car will look great! Now you can take a break or you can start cleaning the interior; good luck!

Author Bio: Tom Selwick has been writing about car detailing. He recommends Las Vegas auto detailing for all of your Las Vegas car detailing needs.

Contact Info:

Tom Selwick

Category: Cars and Trucks
Keywords: Las Vegas auto detailing

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