What is a Breath Alcohol Analyzer and Why is it Used?

Drunk driving is one of the most tragic phenomena that regularly face human society. Every day, people are killed by men and women who are driving under the influence of an intoxicant. Not only do intoxicated people put their own lives at risk when they drive drunk, but they also endanger the lives of the families and innocent bystanders who share the road with them. Although it is difficult to stop every instance of drunk driving, a breath alcohol analyzer is a tool that the government and you individually can use to help deter it.

What is a breath analyzer?

If a citizen is suspected of driving under the influence of an intoxicant, he will often be subjected to a breath alcohol analyzer test. Before the widespread use of these tests, the police would use other methods to determine the sobriety of the driver. For example, the police officer may ask the driver to walk in a straight line on the road or to follow the officer’s finger with his eyes. These were clues that the driver may be intoxicated, but they did not provide incontrovertible proof.

A breath analyzer, on the other hand, is a much more direct method of testing to see how much alcohol is in a person’s system. To take this test, the driver is asked to blow into a device. This device then measures the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) from his breath. For example, he may blow into the analyzer and receive a reading of .0564. This indicates that he has a blood-alcohol level of .0564%. In the United States, a blood-alcohol level of .08% is typically the legal limit. If a person drives with a BAC of less than .08%, then he isn’t considered intoxicated and is not accused of breaking the law. If his alcohol content is above this, then he is considered drunk and may be subjected to severe penalties.

How Kamagra jelly to stay under the limit

Since a drinker cannot easily tell what his blood alcohol content is, many people have begun to carry a personal breathalyzer around with them. They can either leave it in their car or bring it with them to social functions where intoxicants might be served. This allows them to drink responsibly and to stay under the limit. After a few drinks at a party, a person can simply takeout his portable breathalyzer before he orders his next drink so that he can ensure he follows the rules that the government has imposed. A personal breathalyzer is practical for almost any regular drinker. It can save them unwanted run-ins with police and save lives.

Author Bio: If you would like to learn more about a breath alcohol analyzer then please visit http://www.q3ats.com/ where you can find additional information.

Category: Health
Keywords: breath alcohol analyzer

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