Who Can Benefit From Personalized Medicine?

Personalized medicine is a combination of scientific study of genomics and pharmacology. Often, it is referred to as genomic medicine or genomic-based medicine. It should not be confused with genetic medicine as genetics is the study of heredity, and is already been an established field of scientific study. Genetic medicine investigates genes and their impact in relation to biology and medicine. Among the diseases it examines are the single cell genetic diseases-such as dystrophy and cystic fibrosis-and sickle cell anemia.

Genomic medicine, on the other hand, is an emerging science and focuses on more complex health and physical disorders such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, diabetes and cancers. With the combine science of pharmacology and genomics, the scientists are able to understand clearly and with depth that since these illnesses have strong multi-gene composition, and in many cases, might be triggered by errors between genes in the DNA, they are better understood in a whole genome approach.

While the medical and scientific institutions, with the help of research and discovery are able to treat some of diseases we encountered, we are still threatened by many more complex diseases. Diseases to which most of us are predisposed are conceived to be caused by genetic and other factors, tend to be chronic, and thus cause a significant burden on us and to No prescription cialis the healthcare providers as well. However, with genomic medicine, both the healthcare system and physicians are equipped with the best tools and knowledge to combat such chronic diseases, and treat them more efficaciously than ever before.

Because it is dubbed as personalized medicine, it does not necessarily follow that only sick people can benefit from it. Genomic medicine focuses on wellness and disease prevention especially that a person’s genome influences his or her likeliness of contracting or not contracting medical conditions. Thus, genomic-based medicine can benefit everyone.

For instance, if an individual’s genomic information reveals higher risks of contracting cancer or heart problems, then that individual may choose a lifestyle, diet, supplement or medication that could regulate his health and wellness, over which he has control. In terms of long-term effects, genomic medicine can help people make choices on the kind of lifestyle that would help them counteract the biological risk.

As of now, personalized medicine can help individuals determine their vulnerability in contracting a few of specific health conditions such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, neurodegenerative disease, cardiovascular disease, neuropsychiatric disorders and cancer. In addition, scientists are actively examining the genomic and genetic mechanisms behind the diverse health conditions like the infectious diseases including HIV/AIDs to common cold, ovarian cancer, cardiovascular illness, diabetes, metabolic abnormalities, adverse drug reactions, environmental exposure to toxins, diabetes and neuropsychiatric conditions like the epilepsy.

There are institutions which conduct genetic profiling for individuals who may have higher risks of developing any of diseases mentioned above. With genetic profiling, physicians can better discern subgroups of patients inflicted with certain diseases, and thus guide them to formulate drug therapies that are predictive and preventative. Personalized medicine can provide the best treatment protocol and prevent the risks of experiencing adverse reactions.

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Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: personalized medicine, genomic medicine

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