Year 2012 Apocalypse: Reality Or Pure Phobia?

A lot of different disasters have been happening to the Earth lately. Global Warming, massive earthquakes, floods, super typhoons, and even different global crises have been shaking up people’s views about the current state of the planet. Some say these events are signs that all point to the Year 2012 Apocalypse. A cornucopia of different opinions have coming from intersecting parts of society have been causing a wave of panic and unrest amongst everyone. People have started raising questions regarding the veracity of the prophecies about the 2012 Apocalypse.

It’s hard to tell the facts apart from the hoaxes. With countless websites and information circulating the internet, and the widespread of viral campaigns and doomsday movies, how do people verify fact from fiction? Can this widespread panic be a cause of genuine fear, or is it just a product of man’s power to manipulate facts for their own personal gain? Either way, people are getting more and more restless in their search for answers.

If people will observe closely, Religion, Science, and even parts of History all believe that the dawning of the Apocalypse is near. The Bible, Nostradamus, the Mayans, and even countless scientific theories all provide speculations about the Year 2012 Apocalypse. So the question that seems to baffling everyone is this, Will the world really end in 2012?

Some say it will, some say it won’t. Some have their Faith to hold onto, while others turn to Science for answers. One reasonably acceptable answer is that the end of the world will depend on the amount of energy of the Earth. This theory is based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics which justifies the possibility of Heat Death or the eventual stopping of the mechanical movement of the Earth due to its total and irreversible loss of energy.

Whichever way people choose to look at it, one simple truth really matters, and it’s that all good things must come to an end. And if God made all things “good”, then maybe it’s just a matter of time before the Earth comes to an end too. Sometimes, answers to seemingly hard questions are just right at our fingertips. Maybe the end of the world doesn’t really depend on the movements or cycles of Comets, or Mayan beliefs, or even the wrath of God.

Maybe the coming of the Apocalypse is an inevitable fact that everyone has to face whether they like or not, and that the end of human existence whether it be tomorrow or in 2012, will solely depend on how Man takes care of Mother Earth.

Author Bio: Discover What Will Really Happen In 2012 And How You Can Survive. Visit Tadalis SX href=””> Year 2012 at

Category: Culture and Society
Keywords: year 2012, the year 2012, year 2012 end, year 2012 prediction, year 2012 predictions, end of year 2012, the year 2012, year 2012 the end

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