A Lesson Repeated 10,000 Times

Considering an entire day, having a class of six is a vacation for some teachers. For a hearing impaired program’s lady instructor though, there is more to her work.

With the assistance of a three year federal grant, the local special education cooperative is able to conduct a program where her six students aged from 5 to 15 participate in. Available from the coop for 19 school districts are classes in learning disabilities.

From the six students, four are profoundly deaf while two are hard of hearing. For the hard of hearing, they can function in a regular classroom but needs special assistance due to a decibel loss of 60 or less.

People who are profoundly deaf encounter losses of 90 decibels or more. For someone in this position, special learning methods are highly necessary.

Taking into consideration their hearing needs and capabilities the students from the hearing impaired class use hearing aids.

By making use of a special audio device the students are able to hear what their teacher is saying. For the phonic ear system, it can work on 83 radio frequencies.

There is a microphone being used by the teacher that relays any speech to the receivers that are worn by the children on their ears.

Other students need not be disturbed as the teacher can communicate with one child through the different frequencies available.

The students arrive at a very impressive one room facility after enduring a ride that is about 11/2 hours long. There is a big expense attributed to how everything has been specially made.

Visual aids and audio equipment fill up the carpeted room with a full kitchen also available. Actually, the kitchen is also a learning tool wherein language is taught through recipe interpretations.

Language is at the center of everything they do because the teacher says that it is the most important thing for the students.

Storing a word in one’s memory calls for a repetition of 10,000 times. This may seem boring to some people, but it’s absolutely necessary in this case.

Words that describe objects are fairly simple for the hard of hearing child to grasp, because they can associate by sight. With other words like time, tomorrow, yesterday, and today come little meaning nonetheless.

In teaching there are a lot of teaching methods. In order to give a total communication learning experience, the teacher stresses the need for both signs and speech.

Lip reading also is taught which enables the students to hear what others are saying by watching their lips move.

The students are asked to use verbal communication and this is in line with their oral method of teaching. By not communicating differently these children may be better accepted by those who are living in our society.

There is another method used to teach which is the tactile method done through touch. For a student to comprehend the g, s, or th sounds, it is necessary to touch the throat or feel the tongue of the teacher.

Entering the classroom comes with the knowledge of probably having a student’s hand in her mouth sooner or later. Aside from math and grammar, spelling and social studies are also included.

If there are students who are in preparation for integration into a regular school system, there are other subjects they may need to take like gym, music, typing, home economics, speech, and auto mechanics.

Students allowed to attend the class must be 18 and younger.

In helping the hard of hearing she might face some tough inquiries. When it comes to her career choice she does not stutter to give answers.

Discovered when she was five years old was a hearing problem of her own. Aside from closed eustachian tubes during her birth, there was no cartilage in her ears.

Hearing loss was solved for this teacher and the people she worked with through corrective surgery. As early as the fifth grade she already knew that she will be helping out children with hearing problems.

From an Illinois college is where she got her special education degree. From there she went to a university in Florida where she earned degrees in deaf education and elementary education and a certificate in learning disabilities.

It was about two years ago when she came to Southwest Kansas after working in Fort Lauderdale as a teacher in a school for the deaf.

Considering how the sound is transmitted directly into the ears of the students, the phonic ear system is a real advantage for this teacher who experiences a tough teaching routine every single day.

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Category: Health
Keywords: hearing aids, hearing test, hearing loss, hearing, health

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