House Cleaning: Keeping Your Home Free of Bugs

One of the most unpleasant things to find throughout the home Viagra Jelly is an infestation of bugs. Small bugs, big bugs, it really doesn’t matter. When a person sees those bugs, they assume that someone has been shirking their house cleaning responsibilities. Of course, this isn’t necessarily true. Many areas, like Florida, are simply more prone to having bugs than others. A person can keep a spotless home but enjoy holding the windows open when it’s cooler outside. This can invite bugs in. Still, there are some simple tricks to cutting down on the indoor bug population.

One technique that will help a great deal is to set a rule that food does not leave the kitchen and dining room areas. For many families, this is a non-starter, as the family enjoys easting all over the home, in the living room, bedrooms, etc. Still, not only can keeping the food proximity rule cut down on the number of bugs to be found, it will usually make a big difference in the family waistline as well.

One aspect of house cleaning that should never be neglected is the floor. Vacuum or sweep every day for best results. Tiny bugs like fleas lay their eggs in the carpeting, and it will take daily vacuuming to get rid of them for good. Bits of food and crumbs can get lost in the carpets and attract bugs in a matter of hours if the problem isn’t taken care of in a timely manner.

If you’re having bug problems in the pantry, it’s time to change the way you store food. Bugs such as weevils and grain beetles can get into even unopened packaging like pasta boxes. Store these types of boxes in the refrigerator if there’s room. If not, switch the contents over to sealed containers. If the container is air tight, the bugs won’t be able to get inside.

Finally, check around the home the next time you have the chance and look for any possible entry points. Are the doors sealing tight when they close? Are there any breached areas in the screens around the windows. Monitor and make sure people aren’t leaving doors open when they enter and leave the house. Any of these things can be entry points for bugs and they are much easier to keep out than to evict later on. House cleaning can only do so much to get rid of pests. Prevention is the best measure.

Author Bio: House cleaning can help to keep bugs out of your home. For more information, visit

Category: Home/Home Improvement
Keywords: House Cleaning

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