How To Get Your Ex Back When You Have Anxiety Disorders

Many people with anxiety disorders, through no fault of their own, find it hard to sustain romantic relationships because of negative thinking, a negative self-concept, low self-esteem, poor self-confidence, poor communication and impaired social skills. If you have anxiety disorders, what can you do to get your ex back?

Before you start stitching a solution together, you must make sure you are clear on why the Brand Cialis relationship ended. What was your role in the events contributing to or leading up to the dissolution of the relationship? The idea here is not to weigh you down with guilt but just to help you look back at the relationship and learn from mistakes. If you are like me, when it comes to self-evaluation, objectivity may not be your strongest point. Therefore, it is not a bad idea to seek the objective point of view of a trusted friend or even counselor on what aspects of the relationship you could have handled differently.

Also, remember, even when you are right and your partner wrong, how you address the wrong-doing may make or break the relationship. In other words, how you respond to the wrongs or mistakes of others makes a difference. Many people with anxiety disorders tend to respond negatively to bad situations. For example, they may magnify mistakes and jump to conclusions on the basis of emotional reasoning. Emotional reasoning is a reasoning based on feeling rather than proved facts.

Further, a key observation made by cognitive behavioural theorists is that; what you think is what you feel and act out. Some problems in relationships are easier to solve if couples or lovers have a positive mindset or attitude. Negative thinking is especially a problem among people with anxiety disorders. Examples of negative thinking that can split lovers are mind reading, mental filtering, personalising, catastrophising and low tolerance thinking. If you suffer from anxiety disorders, you must understand your automatic negative thoughts and learn how you can control them, so that once you get your ex back, you can manage the relationship better.

There is a lot of information on the internet on how to manage anxiety disorders and the automatic negative thinking associated with them. A psychologist may also help, though the cost of consultation can be prohibitive. If you think your anxiety disorders contributed to the break-up of your romance or marriage, there is no point in trying to get your ex back unless you have received successful treatment and your anxiety disorder symptoms are resolved or manageable.

Another factor to consider, is communication. Do you think communication style was a factor in the break-up of your relationship? If so, you must first learn about positive styles of communication before you seek to attract your ex back. For example, many couples, when they have misunderstandings worsen the situation by labeling and blaming each other instead of concentrating on the cause of the problem and finding a way around it.

Also, excessive self-pride often block many people from succeeding. If you really want your ex back, then swallow your pride. Let him or her know that you regret that the relation ended. If you think there are things you could have done differently, let him or her know . Do not blame him or her for anything. Rather leave him or her to do his or her own self-evaluation- and most likely he or she will do it if he or she is still interested in getting back with you.

Further, go back in time when you and your ex first met. Why was he or she attracted to you? In a relationship, it is important to continue to work at maintaining our attractiveness to our lovers. Therefore, as far as it depends on you, try to be the person you once were when you and your ex first met. Obviously, there are factors that are beyond our control such as ageing and family responsibilities. But in the long term, what keeps people together is not beauty but more durable qualities such as unselfishness, being able to forgive and being considerate.

The foregoing statement must not be taken to mean that you should not care about beauty, appearance and body image. These things are still very important. So are there some aspects of your physical self that have changed since the days you first fell in love with your ex? If so and if possible, please polish your physical self up so that in the eyes of your ex you can be that glamorous again . If you have gained some pounds, shed them so that your ex can re-experience excitement at the sight of you. If you have become anorexic, seek medical help so that your ex may fancy you again.

Further, you can use what you already know about your ex to attract him or her back- as long as you don’t overdo it. For example, does he or she like playing music? Then buy him or her a guitar, piano or something like that. Does he or she enjoy art? Then get him or her a painting or invite him to an art exhibition. In other words, action speaks louder than words. Instead of just verbalizing your desire to have him or her back, show him or her that you want him or her back and are willing to make the adjustments and sacrifices so that the relationship works.

anxiety disorders, how to get your ex back, getting your ex back

Author Bio: Tims Sentinel is a keen researcher in mental health issues who has been focusing on studying and implementing evidence based healthcare practices for the past 4 years.
For more information on anxiety disorders and anxiety disorder therapies, click the following website address:

Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: anxiety disorders, how to get your ex back, getting your ex back

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