Monetize Your Blog – Turn Writing Creativity Into Extra Income

For those who enjoy writing as their pastime, there are various ways to earn not just fulfillment but also extra income from doing what you love.

Of course nothing beats the feeling of getting thanked for helping out, but it wouldn’t hurt to get a little something in return as well. To do this, you will need to monetize your blog, and in this article you’ll learn the different ways of earning money from your blog.

So, what are the different ways experts use to gain income from what they write? Here are some of the ways to monetize your blog which you can use to earn income from your blogs:

Merchandising: For those who already enjoy quite a bit of popularity with the blogs they create, they can take advantage of the support their readers show by turning some of their hard earned efforts into physical merchandise. CD roms, shirts, bags, coasters, can be created to carry your own personal logo and design.

Paid content: If you’re the type of blogger who loves to write about stuff that can help people out paid contents is something that you really should consider. Just remember to use the right approach when opting for paid content though.

Don’t give out misleading previews of content where viewers will need to pay for membership fees in order to get full information. Rather, devote your time to creating premium content for readers who are willing to pay a little extra to get the information you’re offering.

Ads: Generally considered to be the bread and butter of bloggers all throughout the world. However, it’s important to keep balance in mind when deciding to opt for ads, as too much can irritate your readers.

Find ones that have the most relevance to what you’re writing as well. This will help readers understand that you’re merely giving them an option if ever they’re searching for something that is related to your blog.

Text Ads: Serves the Viagra Jelly same purpose as ads but more reader friendly. Their small size and text-based nature makes them less distracting as compared to graphic ads. They’re generally subtler, and can easily be skipped by readers if they’re not interested.

Affiliate programs: As an individual, one time or the other, you might get impressed with certain products or services enough to write something about them. If this happens often and if you think you’re good enough at it, affiliate programs can be a good source of income for your blog.

Affiliate programs offers you a way to profit from the name-dropping that you do, oftentimes without changing anything more than the URL’s you’re pointing to.

There are many other ways that you will be able to monetize your blog, but so far the examples given above are the most popular ones.

If you’re really into blogging, then monetization should be something that you should consider, because there’s really nothing wrong with getting a little something for the efforts that you put in.

Author Bio: To find out more, check out: Monetize Your Blog

Category: Business/Business Opportunities
Keywords: Monetize Your Blog

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