Proper Tooth Brushing is Needed for Good Dental Health

Proper tooth brushing is of the utmost importance. This is true regardless of whether a person uses an electric toothbrush or a manual toothbrush. This is the only way to get rid of the bacteria that cause plaque, tooth decay, and gum disease.

The first thing to remember is to always brush a minimum of two times daily. Brushing once after every meal would be better. It is also to floss every day and eat well-balanced meals.

Professional dental cleaning services are also advised. Regular visits to the dentists are necessary to remove tartar than normal brushing cannot.

The type of toothbrush used is just as important as using proper brushing techniques. Soft bristle toothbrushes are the only way to go. Because soft bristles go easier on teeth and gums, more plaque can be removed from the area just under the gumline. This is where gum disease always begins, so keeping bacteria under control here if very important.

Using a medium or hard bristle brush can damage the gums and increase the chances of periodontal disease.

Fluoride toothpaste should be used in conjunction with proper brushing techniques. This strengthens the outer layer of teeth. Fluoride can stop a cavity in its tracks, and it can prevent future cavities from forming.

Fluoride occurs naturally in the environment, but it is not present in sufficient quantities prescription cialis generic to make a difference. About 50 years ago, it was introduced to the public water supply. Since then, it has caused a dramatic decrease in the incidence of tooth decay and cavity formation.

Fluoride works to protect teeth against the acid secreted by mouth bacteria. It makes tooth enamel stronger, and it can even remineralize teeth and, to a certain extent, reverse the early stages of acid damage.

It is very important that people brush their teeth long enough to get rid of all the plaque. Dentists recommend a minimum of two minutes. By using a timer or clock, a person can be sure their brushing routine lasts long enough to thoroughly remove plaque. Many electric toothbrushes often come with their own timers.

Proper tooth brushing is done at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the teeth. Keep the brush at the base of the gumline and turn it at a 45-degree angle so the bristles fit under the gums. Then, move the brush in circular motions.

Brush the outer surfaces of the tooth while maintaining the 45-degree angle. Then, brush the chewing surfaces on the top of the teeth. Finally, brush the insides of the teeth by tilting the brush vertically and brushing in circular movements. Brush the tongue also to clean the mouth of bacteria.

It is also very important to remember to change toothbrushes regularly. Once a toothbrush becomes worn out, it can no long clean teeth correctly. When the bristles start going in all directions, they may even damage gums.

At the very most, a toothbrush is only good for two or three months. If the filaments look worn, change the brush. Also, if the bristles become visibly split, replace the brush at once because it will simply not work anymore

Author Bio: For information on Proper Teeth Brushing visit us at Cosmetic Dentistry Center.

Category: Health
Keywords: Teeth, Proper Teeth Brushing, Teeth Cleaning,Mouth,Denist

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