Rhinoplasty Procedure Information

Rhinoplasty is surgery that is centered solely on the nose of an individual. Kamagra jelly It is not necessarily a lifting process and can actually work to diminish and improve the structure and appearance of the nasal area. There are two different approaches to the improvement and the difference is in the places where the incisions are made. The procedure is not entirely for aesthetic purposes and can be reconstructive to improve the function.

The Procedure

The open procedure entails that the incision be made in the columella. With this incision, the skin of the nasal area can be lifted and the necessary improvements are made. Many surgeons prefer this rhinoplasty technique, mainly because it is easier and the improvements are easily seen and made.

The closed method entails incisions are made inside the nose making for a more difficult and nearly blind maneuvering. In spite of this, some doctors go for this procedure as well. In both the open and closed techniques, surgeons can augment or reduce the structure of the organ with the use of cartilages grafted from other parts of the person’s body. The size of the nose can also be altered by making incisions in the creases and tightening the tissues and the skin around it or trimming of the excesses.


Recovery from this operation may be somewhat trying for most individuals. This is mainly because noses are organs that are used daily and can be touched or irritated at the slightest thing. Immediately after the procedure, splints are usually placed outside the nose to support the changes made to it. The splints are held in place by the bandages that also help to seal the incisions to prevent an infection. Packing is also usually placed inside the nostrils to help prevent collapse of the altered structure after rhinoplasty. Both the splints and the packing can be applied to an individual depending on his or her needs. These things aid in the healing and support of the nasal area but can also obstruct breathing and provide some discomfort to the patient. Doctors cannot stress enough how important it is not to constantly touch or move the splints and the packing.

The splints and the packing are removed a few days after the rhinoplasty. If there are stitches, these will be removed as soon as the doctor is satisfied with the healing of the incisions. The prescribed medication to prevent infections should be taken and followed as it is recommended by the surgeon. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medicines are necessary to prevent the patient from constantly touching the area and reduce the swelling.

Author Bio: In Reading, rhinoplasty can reduce the size of that extra head in the middle of your face. For more information, visit http://www.berksplasticsurgery.com.

Category: Health
Keywords: Reading Rhinoplasty

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