The Advantages of Genomics

Genomics began in the 70s when scientists pursued the DNA sequencing of simple organisms. With its success and the advent of scientific technology, the scientists embarked on sequencing the human DNA, called the Human Genome Project, which began in the 1980s, and was completed in 2003 with 3 billion of sequenced human genes. Scientists in all fields of science have started using the genetic information to further enhance their study.

The valuable information on the Human Genome is made public, international and available virtually anywhere through the online data banks. It has since inspired a number of other projects which direct varying molecular interactions, but have similar systematic, high-throughput and holistic approach.

With the Human Genome project, the scientists determined the complete genetic information found in the human DNA, which composed of billions of genes having four chemical bases A, G, C, and T which are repeated billion times throughout a genome (completely sequenced genes). They better understood genetic variations, varying genetic expressions, the roles of genes-including the defective-in the human body, and their relationship with one another.

Also, scientists who study diseases were given better and more in-depth understanding of the relationship between genes and diseases including cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease. Further, genomics allowed medical experts to utilize the genetic information to identify which genes are susceptible to diseases which we are all pre-disposed, and identify which genes are defective and how they affect the human body.

Equally important is the understanding of the obtained insights into genome evolution and composition, along with the intrinsic mechanisms. It paved the way for other subsets of functional scientific study such as pharmacogenomics, proteomics, metabolomics and nutrigenomics, which are sought to improve the human conditions. Among the objectives of the study of the human genes is to help the biologists to work out on the several different molecular interactions leading to the normal development of the organisms.

The genetic sequence can also serve as a reference base to Brand Viagra investigate other members of the same species, and other matters of interests such as identifying expressions of proteins and the inherited conditions. Furthermore, even the molecular medicine benefits from the Human Genome Project as they can conduct more precise and specific diagnostic tests that will help determine the stage of the disease, along with its accurate drug therapy. There will be enhanced therapeutic regimens tailored after a specific genetic makeup, immunotherapy techniques, and the opportunity to choose which lifestyle is best for an individual with hope to avoid the medical conditions to which he is pre-disposed.

From its first conception, Genomics has grown and influenced the development of associated technology which has made an impact across the globe by improving the success rates quickens the research pace of the life sciences. In turn, it has created many applications in the socio-economic aspects including the ability to determine a person’s risks in developing some diseases, initiating drug discovery, identifying the accurate medical treatments, developing drought-resistant crops for optimal yields of nutritious foods and healthier poultry and livestock animal foods, and finding ways to preserve the biodiversity.

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Category: Health/Diseases and Conditions
Keywords: Genomics, Human Genome

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