The Environmental and Economic Benefits Of Recycling

Man is facing two major problems – the environmental pollution is creating health hazard and the tight economic situation is creating less job opportunities. If you belong to the more than average class in the society, this may not be your concern. For one thing, you live in a healthy surrounding such that your family enjoys good healthy condition. You have a stable job and you are not short of money for family provision. But this will not always be your scenario. If nothing is done with the problem of pollution and global crises, in no time will you be among the problematic individuals.

While there is chance and time to prevent this despicable situation, it is better to join the government in its recycling programs. The program may not have direct impact on you but the indirect benefit that will accrue to your neighbors will ultimately work in your favor some other time.

Analyzing the importance of re-cycling gives me reasons for this project’s environmental and economic benefits.

Environmental benefits –

Let us start the environmental benefits by looking into the effect of re-cycling on landfills. Because of the program, there occurs a reduction in the volume of trash that is collected from every home in a locality. The ultimate effect of this is the lesser amount of trash and garbage that will be thrown in the landfills. Landfills are the direct beneficiary of the process. However, landfills are inanimate and would not care for the benefit. Indirectly, this effect redounds to men.

Landfills produce methane gases. The more there are trash in the area, the more methane gases are produced. This just follows the rule of proportion. The methane gases produce a green house effect thus our mother earth and our environment are adversely affected. The greenhouse effect is one of the many dangers to our environment.

With less trash in the dumping sites, we have less methane gas and consequently less green house effect. Thus, the indirect environment benefit will all benefit men as they would be living in a cleaner and less polluted environment and surroundings.

People do not understand this – the effect of recycling to Levitra Professional the environment and to their health. But simple as it may seem, the benefit is huge not to be adhered to.

Economic benefits

The economic benefits affect man in two ways – job opportunities and additional source of money. Recycling business had increased tremendously the past few years. Shall we credit it to the changing attitude of men to follow rules on garbage segregation? Or could this be a by-product of the additional money man generate from selling recyclable trash?

Many recycling firms were established because of man’s awareness on the value of the process. And these firms had opened a new arena for labor force. Thus, unemployed people found their way to the business plants for work. The recyclable materials are segregated and sold. Although the proceeds of the sale may not be really much, cumulatively after a series of sales, the amount will already be material addition to the budget.

Man should learn to recycle their trash. There are beneficial environmental and economic results that will be to the advantage of men.

Author Bio: garbage Tucson
recycling Tucson
waste management Tucson

Category: Home/Home Improvement
Keywords: garbage Tucson, recycling Tucson, waste management Tucson, Tucson trash pickup

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